Thank You! and WIPs
Thank you for all of your kind comments. I have read and re-read each one over and over. I truly appreciate each and every one of them. I am going to print them and tuck them away in his memory box. My finished banner (bunting/flag) that we decided to hang in side of our house (thanks to all of your comments). Today's W orks i n P rogress are laundry, dishes, sponge bath for a little man, and helping Spenser understand that it is not okay to poke her baby brother's face, nose, head, eyes, ears, mouth, etc. Baby Sawyer is doing great! He is nursing well. And often. He is going back to the doctor's this afternoon for his jaundice, but his coloring looks good to me. His eyes don't seem as yellow as they were. And I feel great! With the exception of taking 4 motrin at the hospital for after-birth pains from nursing, I have been completely drug free! I have never felt better after giving birth. I think I finally got the hang of it . . . A little late in the game! It...