Teaching Compassion

I have been focusing lately on teaching my children about compassion for others (each other) and compassionate service. We have been thinking of ways to show compassion towards others through service. We are still doing Operation Service and are getting blessed in many ways.

One neighbor called to thank me for a meal recently and told me that she had just gotten out of the hospital. The boys told me later that she answered the door while she was receiving oxygen. She was very grateful for their visit and the meal. She especially loved that the boys delivered the meal all by themselves.

Just last week I took Spenser and Sawyer to the library for a quick trip. Then I remembered that Joe had a bunch of old, prescription, military-issue glasses from his pre-eye-surgery days (that he found recently in an old filing cabinet) and that the library has a Lions Club eyeglass donation box. I explained to Spenser why we were doing it, and she was happy to help. We donated eight, brand new pairs that day!

Near the library is a rehab center/nursing home. And it just so happens that our favorite Aunt Lettie is there right now. She fell a few weeks ago and fractured her hip. She had surgery and is now receiving therapy every day. She may be there for a month or so.

Spenser, Sawyer and I stopped by to visit her last week. But then I thought I should take the rest of the children, so last night after dinner, we slipped out to surprise her. She was so happy to see us. (Joe is out of town, so I was flying solo with the children. And they were excellent!)

Sawyer wanted Aunt Lettie to hold him and was throwing a little fit because she couldn't.

And, last night, in my rush to get dinner put away and shoes and coats on the two little ones, I somehow neglected to see that Sawyer had no pants on. I think I had just changed his diaper and got distracted. The boys were laughing when we were getting ready to leave ... Poor guy.


Karyn said…
You are SUCH an awesome mother Lera!!!! (except for the fact that you forget to put pants on your baby, of course)
Anonymous said…
Great job with teaching compassion.
Thanks for the chuckle this morning. I love the pic with all of the kids and Aunt Lettie. :)
You are one amazing person Lera. With 6 kids and so much to do, you still think of others.
Sonja said…
No pants is better than no diaper, I suppose...
It's amazing how many people you can bless when you open your eyes just a tiny bit wider than required to see your own world. Good job teaching your kids to do that!
Jana Nielson said…
YOu are amazing! Such a great example! Where do you get all of the hours in your day to do so many things?
Anonymous said…
The pantsless wonder strikes again!

Great service opportunities, Lera. Those are lessons that will stick.
laura capello said…
but he doesn't seem to mind!

darwin likes to leave the house with just his underpants. in freezing temperatures. which isn't so bad if we are dropping or picking griff up from school but otherwise, gah. it's an issue to put clothes on that kid.
hooli said…
such a good mommy... and those little baby legs are cracking me up.
utmommy said…
What a great thing you are teaching your children. I may have to follow your example.
Anonymous said…
That photo of Sawyer is so sweet:)
jessica said…
such great projects! how do do you do it all?
Anonymous said…
I am impressed to your amazing (& busy) life with 6 wonderful kids around you. How do you manage taking care of 6 and doing your craft. I wish I could be as brave as you are. You are great example for moms, take care.
Anonymous said…
Two things:
I, too, like your Operation Service. Your kids are lucky.
AND, my favorite part of your posts are the pictures of your kids - how casually and matter-of-factly and affectionately their arms drape over and around each other. They must fight like wildcats sometimes, but I bet they're tight.
You are lucky, too.
Emily said…
Wonderful post! Amazing person you are! Beautiful family - thanks for sharing!
Emily said…
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Amanda Jean said…
that picture of Sawyer is so funny + adorable.

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