A Visit with Aunt Lettie

While I sat and chatted with her, Joe and the older children were outside. They were playing ball, running around her big backyard, and climbing trees. If you look very closely, you will see skin at the top of the tree. That's Taylor. (Yikes, I know! But remember, I was inside, oblivious to what was happening under Joe's supervision.)

Aunt Lettie went into a back room and brought out a Raggedy Ann doll. She handed it to Spenser and told her she could keep it. Then she told us how she's had this doll since before she was married. She was married in 1941. It's handmade and in incredible shape. (I guess because Aunt Lettie never had children to mess it up.)
It's so nice to be able to visit our older family members. It's hard to leave ... not sure when we will visit with them again. Even when they live close by. Life gets busy. We really just need to take the time and do it more often. It's so wonderful when we do.
And Geez! Joe! What's with Spenser on the Roof! Eeek!