Simple Ways to Amuse Children

Watching the power company in a cherry picker.
Stepping on bugs.
Climbing the neighbor's tree.
Taking off diaper and trying on panties for the first time.
Cat napping on the floor while Mama fixes dinner.
Walking on the "balance beam" sidewalk curb.
Finding the perfect rock.
Walking on a tree stump.
Studying ants in a pat of butter.

And saving the best for last:

Walking on the railroad track that runs right down the middle of the street.

Family time. It doesn't get any better than this.


Anonymous said…
Love the "stepping on the bugs" I don't know why that amuses me.
Anonymous said…
Cutie in her panties and coat. She looks ready for a runway show...
Anonymous said…
love that sleeping with the butt up thing - SO cute!
Nice pictures... but i had to laugh when i saw the baby sleeping on the floor... too funny
Karyn said…
Great pictures. Great post. We used to have railroad tracks down the middle of our street but they've long since been paved over. It's neat to see what they would have looked like!
Sarah and Jack said…
Jack adores all of those things too! Particularly the ants. LOL
laura capello said…
who left a pat of butter on the sidewalk?
Anonymous said…
Spencer looks like such a big girl in that top picture! And love the napping photo - did he really nap long enough for you to make dinner?
Anonymous said…
This is beautiful, Lera.
beki said…
Nope, it sure doesn't! You are so blessed!!
Anonymous said…
I miss how little babies look like bugs, sleeping on their tummies like that. And how sweet that wearing undies means NO pants and a winter coat! So cute. Family time is precious and it looks like you guys have a lot of fun.
Me and Him said…
Love it when kids nap with their butt in the air.
Berber said…
Wow, a railroad track in the middle of the street... so cool!
And the baby napping is so sweet!
Heidijayhawk said…
you better believe it doesn't get better than that! those are amazing pictures. love being a mama!
Katie Jean said…
love the pictures. looks like a nice warm day down there!
Amanda Jean said…
the simple things are the best. Loved this post.

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