This Week's WIP

On Monday morning, I got my hair cut. Yup. That's a lot of hair. The initial cut was 10" long. I had to purchase a flat iron and a paddle brush. Never used either one of them before now. This week's WIP has been trying to style this coif ... and it may be for awhile.

Enjoy your weekend. I see sewing in the forecast.


Ohmygosh! That is a lot of hair... I would be having heart palpatations if I saw that much of my hair on the floor.... 10" aaahhh. I am terrible for getting my haircut. I usually white knuckle it all the way.

How cool is that see Carter on another site!! Yay
Karyn said…
Now THAT is a haircut...I think you should show us what's left!!!
Sonja said…
I second Karyn - show us a picture! I've had my hair so short for so long that now I've been letting it grow for 6 months and the longest layer is finally reaching my shoulders. I consider this "long hair." :)
Anonymous said…
i had no idea your hair was that long! i've heard people say that if you're always pulling it back anyway, it's time to cut it!

good luck figuring it out - i hope you show us!
laura capello said…
eeeeiiiii!!!! you didn't donate it to locks of love?
Anonymous said…
Okay, we need some before and after pictures, my dear!
beki said…
Yes, yes, we want to see!!
Katie Jean said…
That is a lot of hair. Show us the cut!!!
Anonymous said…
That IS a lot of hair. So it must be really short now? My hair is getting so long - it's itching to be cut. But hubby likes it maybe just a trim.
Anonymous said…
So what does it look like now? I'm super curious!!!
Amanda Jean said…
I also want to see your new hair cut!

thanks for the sweet words about my moving...I appreciate it so much.
Me and Him said…
Where's the other after picture? 10"? If I cut off 10" I'd be bald!
Heidijayhawk said…
oh MY!!!! picture please of the newly styled ciof!!!

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