I'm Grumpy Today

Joe is out of town this week. When he is away, I can't sleep well. I try to keep myself busy at night until I'm so exhausted I fall asleep (i.e., dusting and vacuuming last night at 11:30 p.m.). Unfortunately, when I get in bed, I still can't fall asleep. So with this lack of sleep comes grumpiness. I am not a happy, sleepy person. I've fussed and scolded a day's worth already this morning.

I thought I would show you a few things that are making me happy this morning.

Sawyer peeking into the kitchen from the family room (perched on a landing) while I made school lunches. Have I told you how much I love this baby?

Amy Butler scrapbook paper.

I am making some note cards as part of my Mothers Day gifts. (And I made myself a bookmark from some scraps -- bottom right.) Love the Amy Butler paper. Love it.

Spenser turning into a nurturing little lady.

She adores her "Wilburs." The Easter Bunny brought the children the new Charlotte's Web with a beanie baby Wilbur. Spenser wasn't too interested in the movie until I bought the cartoon version last week. It's all we've been watching. (Or, shall I say, all I've been listening to. She watches it in the car and I only listen to it while driving.) Now she loves her pigs and no one is allowed to mess with Wilbur. This is how she gets her Wilburs ready for bed at night. So sweet and tender.

Maybe I am doing something right.


Karyn said…
I think you do EVERYTHING right!!! Your cards are stunning and so is that baby face peeking at the camera. What a cutie-patootie!!
Anonymous said…
yeah, stop feeling sorry for yourself, you rock and do TONS of stuff 'right'.

just look at those cuties! what more can i say!
Sonja said…
I used to read until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer when The Husband traveled for work. It got easier after a while (he traveled for three years - he was a consultant), but I'm still afraid of the dark. I actually got seriously spooked last night in my dark house... pathetic!
Hang in there!
laura capello said…
of course you're doing something right.

and your breastmilk must have steroid in it -- sawyer is huge! and so cute! and needs to stop growing!
Lora said…
I know how you feel trying to sleep when hubby's away. I do the same thing. I'll actually sleep with the tv on an infomercial channel so no scarey shows will come one and spook me in the night.
Oh cute Wilburs...when I first saw the pictures I immediately thought "Pigs in a blanket!" haha
Katie Jean said…
I agree.. you're doing everything right! I know how you feel about going to sleep without the hubby home. One night John was working late, and I heard this loud sound outside like someone was opening the door. So I called John and asked him if he was outside and he said no, but he's be home soon. I told him that I'd be sitting on the bed with a hammer (and I was). When he got home, he told me it was the rake that had fallen over. Oops, silly me.

Anyway, how cute are your kids?? Again I say, you're doing everything right!
Anonymous said…
Yes, yes of course you're doing things right! The chubby, happy baby, the big brother helping the little ride a bike, the nurturing little girl...
Amanda Jean said…
hope your grumpies go away soon.

I so know the feeling, "hopefully I am doing something right".
Anonymous said…
You do it all right, missus! And dusting at 11:30! Who dusts? Hurry back, Joe!
Anonymous said…
It's hard to feel like things are going right when you don't sleep and are grumpy. But You are awesome! You're being a single mom while your man is out of town and that is pretty freaking amazing!
African Kelli said…
I am sending happy wishes your way. Hopefully your hubby comes home soon and you can get some sleep!
Those tucked in wilburs are adorable.
Anonymous said…
We all have bad days. I can't sleep when hubby is out of town either. Even when I do get into bed, I read until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Tomorrow will be better.
Joanna said…
First of all, how cute is Sawyer with his cheeks? What a doll! Second, where is everyone getting the Amy Butler paper from????
Third--you're a good mama. We all have those days (or weeks, in my case!) Take extra good care of yourself while your hubby's gone. :)
blissful said…
I'm sorry you're having a grumpy day...when mommy's not happy, no one's happy :(

Glad you're trying to focus on the positives...he'll be back soon.

Love Charlotte's Web -- we have a major pig obsession in our home!

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