The Fabric Jackpot

Remember the doll dresses from my MIL's best friend's pack-rat neighbor? Well, here is installment #2: fabric.

Most of this fabric is brand new. Meaning, never washed, never cut, still has tags. (Yes, tags. From when the fabric was cut and a handwritten tag was pinned to the top.) The tags are from G.C. Murphy. Didn't they go out of business like 25+ years ago? (There are also some handwritten tags from "Zayre," which I've never heard of. Anyone hear of them?)

The above photo includes some of my favorite fabrics.
This box is overflowing with fabric. Most of the fabrics were stored in plastic bags.

This box contains almost every possible gingham I've ever imagined. All colors in all sizes.

And two of the funny "extras" included. Vintage transfer pencils and tape measure. I now also have a ton of threads, vintage and new. Scissors. Oh my. I think I've inherited 6, 7, 8 pairs now. Ribbons. Pins. Needles. Sewing book. I really can't remember it all.

I'd hate to say it, but I think I have enough.


Karyn said…
It looks like you won the lottery!!!!!!!!!!!!! How terribly exciting!!!
Sarah and Jack said…
Oh wow! I knew it was going to be good.
Heidijayhawk said…
i think i may have been overwhelmed with all of that! you are soooooo lucky!! i'll second karyn's comment...that's one heck of a lottery win!
Anonymous said…
Yowza! What a jackpot!
Anonymous said…
LOL love that lady on the tranfer pencil cover! Quite a scream there. Yep, I'd say you won the fabric jackpot all right.

We had a Zayre down in Florida when I was growing up. It was a lot like Kmart only more disorganized and messier if you can believe it. Way too much to stuff to paw through. It must have been bad if as a kid I even noticed it. Probably why it went out of business.
Katie Jean said…
ohmigoodness that is the jackpot! I love that one in the top picture, the dark with green and white flowers. I think you've got some sewing to do now!
Anonymous said…
holy moly! all that gingham!
laura capello said…

beki said…
The jackpot, indeed!!!
Anonymous said…
Your cup runneth over! Lucky girl!
Me and Him said…
Congratulations. Now you'll just have to find somewhere to store it all.
christy said…
i like the gingham. we had a zayers also and it went out of business. i only went there once. it was in the ghetto part of town and it was a dump. however that is where i bought a snickers bar and won a cyndi lauper album with the wrapper. it was the first time i won anything.
Amanda Jean said…
oh, I'm drooling over all of your wonderful goodies!
Berber said…
Gasp...what an incredible amount of fabrics!!
FinnyKnits said…
I think I just drooled a little.

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