Weekend Accomplishments

On Saturday Joe removed the training wheels from Jack's bicycle. Jack was a little very unhappy about it. There were a lot of tears. Taylor tried to help him keep his balance.

At first there were a lot of scenes like this:

and this:

But, within an hour or two, he was riding like a pro. (I can't even take a picture because he zooms by so quickly!) Now I can't get him off his bike for dinner, his bath, etc. In fact, I think he wore his bike helmet during dinner last night so he could go right back out. (Or was that Carter?)

On Saturday I was also able to squeeze in a little bit of sewing time. I finished a cape and crown for Timmy and have it all ready to be mailed to him. I would have mailed it yesterday, but when I got to the post office, they were closed for lunch. (Yes, our post office closes for lunch. A little crazy, huh?)


Karyn said…
Congratulations Jack!!! That's very exciting!
And Timmy LOVE his gift! So so cute!
Anonymous said…
Great job Jack! Maybe he can help Anna.
Anonymous said…
hooray, jack! my daughter is about to have her training wheels taken off, too!
Katie Jean said…
yay jack! love the pictures and the helmet wearing during dinner.
Anonymous said…
Awwwww... that top picture is priceless. And the cowboy boots- Eeeek. So sweet!
laura capello said…
woo hoo jack!

and a post office that closes for lunch?! geesh!
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Jack! Do you have any tips for Aidin, who refuses to take off her training wheels?

And love the cape and crown. Happy Birthday, Timmy!
Me and Him said…
Well done Jack.

Wait until he wants to wear the helmut to bed, so he can ride as soon as he gets up!
Anonymous said…
Does it make you a little sad? It's another sign that he's growing up. But what a great big brother he has to help him out. You have great kids!
Lora said…
I remember when my oldest learned to ride a bike with out training wheels...it was the little girls purple bike down the street. tee hee
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Jack!

And I LOVE that your post office closes for lunch.
Heidijayhawk said…
how exciting for jack! and the first pic is darling! love the cape and crown. lucky timmy.
Anonymous said…
At least he was falling on the nice, soft grass! How great is it that he now loves it! My son can ride, but still needs help stopping and starting. He'll get there one day, I'm sure.

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