Doll Dresses Galore

Don't you love how, once people know you sew, you are gifted miscellaneous sewing supplies?

Such is the case of the doll dresses. My mother-in-law's best friend called me recently explaining how her pack-rat neighbor had passed away and the daughter was cleaning out the house (since October). They had found some boxes of homemade doll dresses and bloomers and some partially-made pinafores. Was I interested? Sure. Why not? I thought.

They arrived last night. Holy. Moly. I have no idea how many are there, but there are a ton. Two full boxes of dresses and bloomers. One box of dresses, bloomers, un-finished pinafores, a vintage sewing book, threads, needles, ribbons, vintage scissors. You name it. It's probably in there.

Once I sort through them (not sure what size they are) save some for Spenser, my nieces and a few friends, there may be a giveaway. Anyone interested?

I love this mushroom fabric dress. So fun. Too bad it won't fit Spenser.

The Fat Quarter Challenge's extension has now passed. Today we will be drawing a winner. Stay tuned.


Julian said…
i am definetly interested. I will send them to Romania where my brother and his family are missionaries, and they can give them to the girls there for Christmas.
Lora said…
Wow what a score!! Looks like you have a lot of goodies there. :)
Anonymous said…
you lucky, lucky lady! that is amazing. (um, yeah, i'd be interested, too!)
laura capello said…
yeosars, i love that mushroom fabric!
Katie Jean said…
goodness luck you! That mushroom fabric to too cute!
Anonymous said…
Oooh, I'd like a few if you have some to spare, lol! Even if I don't have a little girl yet to spoil with dolls...
Anonymous said…
Holy Moly, indeed! What fun!
Karyn said…
AHHH!!! I FAILED the fat quarter challenge!!!!!! (sorry sorry sorry sorry).

I can't believe ALL THOSE clothes! Do you feel like you won the lottery???
Homemom3 said…
Wow, there are so many. My girls would be having a field day with those boxes. Ackk, I could imagine my house, but I wouldn't care. Sure, I'd love to enter that giveaway if you had one.
Sarah and Jack said…
You could also always just use them for fabric.
Sonja said…
WOW! That's a lot of stuff! I'd be interested in a give-away (sort of drooling, actually).
beki said…
Well yeah! Wow, what a score!!

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