On Tuesday night (after the children were in bed), I cut out a pattern for a new skirt. I'm using some of the vintage fabric that I recently acquired. I think I'm going to call it my "Memorial Day (parade) skirt." It's kind of red, white and blue. Or maybe it's black instead of blue. I'm not sure. I'm going to finish it and wear it to the parade on Monday morning.

And I couldn't post today without saying that my littlest man is 8 months old today. Can you believe it? I truly cannot. I am so in love with this little man. He crawls, pulls himself up to standing, tries to creep (is that the word for it? I can't remember); and is learning to go up steps. I accidentally left a baby gate down while I was fixing dinner the other night and he fell head first into the kitchen from the back set of stairs. Broke my heart, I tell ya. Broke. My. Heart.
One thing I always say to Sawyer is "Baby, just be a baby." He is trying to grow up too fast. Now Taylor tells him that all the time.
* * * *Mason eye update: * * * *
According to the doctor, Mason just has pinkeye. He gave him a different kind of eye drop, a sulfur-based one. He said if he's not better by Tuesday (Tuesday!!) to call back.
And Saywer is toooo cute! They grow too fast!
my littlest one is 13 months and is doing all that stuff that your 8 month old is doing. it changes your world, doesn't it?
good luck with your vintage quilt. I am so excited for you!