Service Project

On Wednesday night (and also two Wednesday nights ago), the young women of our church assembled together for a service project.

It was no ordinary service project. It was one in honor of our good friend, Caitlin. Caitlin died in a car accident in November, and her family bravely donated her organs.

Our service project was two-fold. We wanted to finish the last two ten-hour projects for Caitlin's Personal Progress. Knowledge and Good Works. We also wanted to show our love and support to her family and make a donation to the Living Legacy Foundation.

Before she died, the foundation made cast handprints from Caitlin's hand and gave them to the family in small drawstring bags sewn from butterfly fabric. The butterfly fabric signifying of the changes in life.

Butterfly fabric was donated by members of our church and about fifty of us set out to trace, cut, press, sew, and string the bags. The first night was the busiest with the tracing and cutting (while some of us did sew). This past Wednesday was mostly sewing and stringing.

I brought home a few bags to finish, as did a few other ladies in our church. When all is said and done, we will be able to donate approximately 250 bags to the foundation. In Caitlin's memory. We are so thrilled to be able to do this for Caitlin. Her family. And the foundation.

We managed to get a group photo from the first night.

(Photo by my eldest, Taylor)


Katie Jean said…
What a wonderful way to honor her memory.
The P*dunc's said…
What a beautiful story. Do you mind if I share it with my YW?
Anonymous said…
That's amazing! I'm always in awe of the things the women of the church can do when they band together like this. And to do it in loving memory of someone is extra special! Thanks for sharing this--it made me a little teary-eyed but it was a good way to start my morning.
christy said…
i saw the pics on kim's FB and wondered exactly what it was you guys were doing. wish i had been there. i'm gonna have to come visit you all some time. miss you guys.
Jana Nielson said…
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing that, Lera. How wonderful. Have a great weekend.
amy smart said…
(feeling teary.) So sweet.
Marty said…
A great way to heal.
Lana said…
what a great thing to do. :)

Crab burger~ ruby tuesday
Amanda Jean said…
what a great project to work on in Caitlin's memory.

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