
I found this miniature deer at the thrift store the other day. It was an unfinished ceramic piece for 25 cents. I thought how much Spenser would love it. (She has a small collection of little ceramic animals.)

So, for a quarter, I bought it and painted it:


She loves it. She gently cradled it in her hand and said, "Awwwwwwwww. Whose is it?" When I told her it was hers, she loved it more and said again "Awwwwwwwwww. Whose is it?" I told her it was hers, and she even more lovingly cradled it and coddled it. Just like a little mother.

And while I was spraying things in the yard in our 64-degree weather yesterday afternoon, I pulled out two silver bowls that I picked up at the Swap Shop (for free) in December. One is now black. The other is white.

I have gotten lots of questions about whether this is toxic. It may be. I don't know. I have used my trays to serve. Not to cut. There is no knife or fork digging into the painted surface.


nikko said…
What kind of paint do you use? A special ceramic paint?
V and Co. said…
ah weather in the 60's how wonderful! i love your transformations
Anonymous said…
Silk purse from a sow's ear? You have the touch, my dear. And that Spenser. How sweet. I must be both rough and wonderful to be the only girl amidst all those boys. :)

And the word verification today is logtable. Hmm... a log table. I might need one of those...
misschris said…
Of course she loved it! Very sweet, Lera. The pink is perfect.
Amanda Jean said…
i never would have thought to paint the little deer pink, but it is perfect!!! and the trays look great painted, too. you've got the touch!
Anonymous said…
clever... clever. I have a few trays that I just might do that too. What a great idea. take care.
Diane said…
Very sweet little deer!

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