
It started with a pink ceramic piggy bank that was dropped on the freshly-mopped kitchen floor. It shattered into bits.

And then, by bedtime, we realized our upstairs heat pump was not working. Joe checked the units. The breakers. To no avail. (Thankfully our downstairs oil furnace is powerful and compensated for the lack of heat upstairs. And we were most grateful that it was only the motherboard that needed to be replaced. And that it only cost $354 to repair. Seriously. We were happy that it only cost $354 to repair. It pales in comparison to the last repair bill, which was almost ten times that price.)

And then, the same night even (as Joe was flipping breakers throughout our house), I smashed my middle finger in a dresser drawer. I fell on my bed and held my breath until the pain subsided. It's not broken, but man is it ever sore.

And then I attempted to put leftovers in the microwave for lunch the next day. With only one second left, we heard an explosion. When we looked in, this is what we saw:

One of my most favorite Pyrex pieces. Shattered into smithereens.

Of course the "what-if's" are driving me crazy. What if I hadn't put it in for so long. What if I pulled it out of the microwave and it exploded all over me and the children. What if the door of the microwave blew open during the explosion and shot hot food and glass shards all over us.

We're very lucky indeed. And, I'm a little sad for the loss of my blue snowflake dish, but so very grateful no one was injured and the mess was fully contained to my microwave.

And, of course the afternoon ended with a mug of pens and pencils being knocked to the hardwood floor and breaking.


nikko said…
Sounds like there is some bad luck floating around your house, LOL.

And the blue snowflake pyrex?? I'm so sad for you on that one. It was the perfect size and so cute. :o(
Katie Jean said…
aww, hopefully today will be better! I bet you'll find another pyrex too, I'll keep my eye out for that one ;)
Brenda said…
What could have possibly happened in that microvave? I've never heard of that happening. Girl, you need to write a book.
Lisa said…
What a string of bad luck! I'm glad the Pyrex didn't hit anyone else.
at that point i would call it a night and head for my bed. but then i'd be afraid the bedframe would crack and break the second i laid down!
here's hoping you have a much better day today!
start fresh.
Bonus Mom said…
Oh I am so sorry for you! I hate days like those.
MoonDog said…
sounds like your run of bad luck needs to be OVER!!
Sarah and Jack said…
Ahh the pyrex. You actually have to be careful about getting cold pyrex suddenly hot, it will explode like that. (I assume it had been in the fridge, so it was cold.)

Plus the microwave tends to do wierd things with certain containers. We used to have these ceramic pottery type plates and for whatever reason ONLY the plate would scorching hot in the nuker, never the food. Depending on what was in the pyrex the dish itself could have just been getting hotter and hotter while the food was staying cold.

(I usually transfer my food to a regular bowl or plate then nuke.)
Me and Him said…
I hate those days, where everything you touch drops and or breaks. I hope today is better.
Anonymous said…
I thought these things were only supposed to happen in 3s. Hopefully, you're good for a good long while.
Vonlipi said…
Sorry about the Pyrex (I know how it feels) too bad about the leftover. I hope everything runs smoothly from now on...:-)
jessica said…
Hopefully it just came all in one day and you won't have any more broken things for a long time!
Diane said…
What a day! Do your accidents always happen in multiples of 5??Maybe you should wear some floaties when you take a shower today, just to be safe ;)

Hope your finger feels better asap.
Kat said…
If you ever need a heating/air guy Bob is licensed and won't charge you. Sorry about the Pyrex.
beki said…
When it rains, it pours...
misschris said…
and That is a broken day.

Sometimes my glass lids will form a seal with the condensation, so I make sure that there is some obvious air flow.... sometimes I forget... and now, I will always check, for sure.

*sniff* RIP little snowflake dish.
Anonymous said…
Monday was one of these days. It started with a turd filled toilet bowl overflowing and flooding the bathroom, leaking into the basement.

That wasn't the worst part of the day!
Ladybird said…
Hope that you are having a better day today!!
Amanda Jean said…
you are could have been so much worse. i'm glad that it didn't injure anyone.

man, your microwave is clean!! it looks like some bbq exploded in MY microwave. :)
FinnyKnits said…
Sounds like a good day to pull the whole family into bed and watch a nice, safe movie.

Careful, love - and tomorrow will be a better day :)
Lisa said…
Doesn't bad luck come in 3s, not 5s? You've used up your allotment of bad luck and now can only have good luck for a very long time.

At least, that's what I hope for you.
Karyn said…
That is such a sad photo!! Poor Pyrex!

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