A Spring Dress

It must be spring fever that has me thinking about summery dresses for my girl. However, the nice 60-degree weather days are slowly turning into 50-degree weather days with cold, blustery winds. And those few 50-degree weather days are turning back into cold wintry days. And, well, since it's February, I just have to happy that it lasted as long as it did.

At a recent thrift store trip, I found the perfect springy-summery vintage sheet. White with white and pink daisies. (Have I told you how much I adore daisies?) I kept thinking I would make dresses and/or skirts for Spenser and I in the spring, but that darn spring fever hit me and I couldn't wait another minute.

The dress started out in the fashion of a Simplicity 4206. And with a few tweaks turned into something drastically different. It's now sleeveless. And has a keyhole with a halter top.

The back crosses to an elasticized back. It's a little wonky on the hanger and at the side seams because I had already cut out and turned under the armholes all the way around before chopping off the top of the back. That left the casing for the elastic a little short to reach to the side seams and makes it bunchy.

My plan is that she will wear this with a t-shirt anyway. Long-sleeve now and short-sleeve when it warms up.

* * * *
Today we are going to visit my grandmother in the hospital. She is not doing well. At all. It is breaking my heart. What started as a cough and difficulty breathing one week ago (she has had congestive heart failure in the past), has turned into almost sudden dementia. They have run tests to see if she had a stroke, heart attack, urinary tract infection, etc. Her kidneys now seem to be failing. She was living alone and normal as can be one and half weeks ago.

I'm scared to death. Almost all of the people whom I loved the most have died suddenly. Without warning. There was no time to say good-bye. I mean, how do you do that? How do you say good-bye to someone you have known and loved your entire life? I am fighting back the tears when I think it may be the last time I see her. And when I think "what if my kids don't get to see her again?" it breaks my heart. How am I going to walk in there and pretend to be normal and cheerful and happy to see her when my heart is going to break into two? The only comfort is that my mother told me she has recognized every family member that has been in to see her. She forgot how to drink out of a straw yesterday, but recognized my sister and her family later in the day. I need to get my family in so they will have that last memory. That she knows them. And remembers them.


Katie Jean said…
Oh Lera, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Words escape me right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you guys.
Anonymous said…
u r breaking my heart. go give grandmother a big hug and kiss and remember to say "I love you". keep me posted.
Jessica said…
Oh Lera, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I just lost my grandfather in November and I know exactly what you are going through. I will forever cherish the last several days I had with him (he lived half a country away and I went back for a week to say my goodbyes and let the kids see him one last time). (((BIG HUGS)))
Southerner said…
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother.Am praying for a full recovery.

This print is the sheets that were on my mom's bed when I was growing up! Seeing the dress just hit me with one of those times where the breath is sucked out of you for a moment. It is funny how at the least expected times you smell or hear or see something that brings back vivid memories. My mom died the month before I turned 18 so thank you for a small glimpse of memory today!
kira said…
I'm so sorry to hear that! We've been going thru a similar problem with my grandmother & a sudden turn towards dimentia, but it's been over the last month, not days! My prayers are with you.
LunaMoonbeam said…
Lera, my heart is with you. Seriously. We lost my grandmother in October to ALS. It was a long process, but I went back to visit in the summer...and knew I'd never see her again on this earth. It was hard to get in that car and drive away.

The night she passed away was the FIRST night, during my whole pregnancy (I was 7 months along at that point) that I woke up in the middle of the night...and it was within minutes of her passing. I'm pretty sure she stopped by to meet the grandson that she never got to see here.

I still talk to her sometimes - there's a picture of her on my refrigerator. I tell myself that she has a better view of my family from where she's sitting now - we lived on opposite coasts from each other.

I'm talking a lot about myself...I'm just trying to say - whatever happens, a lot of us here understand what you're going through. There are just so many emotions. Give Grandma a hug and say I love you. If she doesn't remember it, you will.
Machelle said…
Im going to have to start looking for sheets now. That is adorable. You are sew talented. I personally deemed today as leave a comment on every blog I visit. Have a good weekend.
Anonymous said…
Oh, honey. You and your grandmother are in my prayers. What a blessing that she has lived 95 happy, productive, loving years. And how lucky you are to have had her loving influence in your life for so long. I know it is so hard... Wishing you strenght and peace.
Diane said…
Oh Lera, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Give her a hug and kiss and tell her you love her. You don't have to tell her goodbye. Just tell her you'll see her later.
misschris said…
Hugs, Lera. I've been there and it is heartbreaking. Sending you strength and sympathy and love... xoxo
Bonus Mom said…
Oh Lera, I will lift your Grandma up in prayer, you too. I am so sorry for all of the loss you have been experiencing.
I love the shirt. My Dad had those sheets after he and my mom divorced (I was 4). I am most certain that my great grandma gave them to him ;)
Stacey said…
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts!
Amanda Jean said…
the dress is adorable. those daisies are making me swoon!

your post gave me goosebumps. i hope you are able to see your grandmother and have a nice visit with her. my heart is breaking for you.
Suzanne said…
Lera, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. You and yours are in my prayers
Anonymous said…
I read your blog often. You are a great inspiration. I am sorry to hear your grandma is ill. Those 90 year olds are very tough! I wouldn't be suprised to see her make a turn around soon. God is great. Teresa
Brenda said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will be praying for her and your family.
Love the cute little dress.
Myrnie said…
Have a good trip, and our thoughts are with you.

As LoLo said, our grandma died in October. Those last few weeks were so hard, but so peaceful at the same time. I'm glad you can go visit.

thinking of you-
Diane said…
I'm so very sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope that she quickly turns around for the better.

Your daisy dress is delightful.
Anonymous said…
How lucky your kids are to know your grandmother. Yes, bring them in. Mahal last saw my grandmother when he was 3, in the hospital with dementia. SOmeone had put a little pink scrunchy on the top of her head with a little white ponytail. She looked like a little troll & we had to laugh at the funnyness of life. Such a gorgeous woman, a little child at the end, making us laugh. I guess I've been laughing ever since. And I'll be praying that she goes her right path, here or there, as comfortably as possible. Blue Yonder's Book of Days tells how to make a little book for each ancestor with our children, sharing their life & pictures. She has them listen to favorite music, do a bit of their work & eat their favorite ice cream. I'm going to "introduce" the kids to my grandparents this month. The dress is lovely.
Anonymous said…
Love this simple and sweet spring dress!!
Anonymous said…
Love and strength to you all.

Anonymous said…
that sheet really gets around. its everywhere! but so cute. and you've transformed it into something absolutely adorable.

i'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. your family is in my prayers.
Peppermint Lane said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It is so hard to see someone close to you start to slip away. Hopefully, you are close enough that you can visit her often. I'm praying that she will recover quickly.
jessica said…
So sorry to hear about your grandmother, but I'm so glad that you were able to have a nice visit with her.

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