My Own Turbie Twists

One of the gifts I received on Christmas Eve was a Turbie Twist from my sister-in-law. My older sister exclaimed, "I love these things!" I had never used one and really didn't think I needed one until that moment. I was immediately intrigued. Maybe I had always needed one and never knew I did.

The next morning (Christmas morning) after all the gifts were opened and I was looking back through my basket of sisters' gifts I decided to check out this Turbie Twist. I turned it inside out and said to Joe, "I could so make this." And so, the next day I did.

It's true that the original is a nice microfiber and I only had regular terry cloth in my baby fabric bin, but they work just as great. And maybe a tad more absorbent than the original.

I made one white turbie. Two blue ones (I was using leftover terry cloth from my bib making days before and after Sawyer was born) and one

swirl. For a little girl.

This one so reminds me of swirled soft-serve ice cream. Don't ya think?

I am so happy to be rid of a "hair" towel. That's just one big towel I don't have to wash!

(Here is a tutorial for one if you don't have one to trace.)


Katie said…
I love it!!! Great job!! And yes, Spenser looks like she has ice cream on her head!! Too cute!

Love, Katie
FinnyKnits said…
It's like As Seen on Lera's Blog over here ;)
Marty said…
You clever gal!
barbara said…
I love that twist look! Turbie Towels are essential equipment in the Oodles household - there's a 15 year old girl with long hair on the premises.
Anonymous said…
oh, i am making one for my girl! she loves to put her hair up! ME
Diane said…
Super cute.

I think I now understand the feeling of never realizing that I needed something until now. Thanks a lot.
Emily said…
totally COOL!

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