
Isn't she pretty in pink?

Turns out, Spenser's leg is fractured. (I knew it! A mother knows! ... "Have her walk on it!" Ha!!!!) Her leg has a buckle fracture below the knee. Ouch.

She has to wear the cast for three weeks. She has asked me to take it off three times.

She's doing well with her cast. Still not walking. Still being waited on hand and foot. Wearing me out. I am sore in places I didn't know I had.

Joe comes home today from spending the week in Massachusetts. She can't wait to show her daddy her new pink leg.


beki said…
Poor Spenser! Hopefully she'll heal quickly ;-)
Anonymous said…
wow, that is a SERIOUS cast! poor girly. i guess it's lots of skirts for her for the next few weeks! i hope her brothers are waiting on her, too!
christy said…
i'm not surprised. something had to be pretty bad for such an active girl to refuse to walk. cute pink leg. i've heard casts can be pretty itchy and annoying so i'm sure she'll be glad by the time it comes off. too bad she's too young to understand what it three weeks means. she may be asking to take it off many times before then.
Katie Jean said…
ugh, poor girl! Hope she doesn't wear you out!! I hope she feels better soon, I know how annoying it is to have a cast on your leg!
Anonymous said…
how is it possible they di not see it???Poor little girl...she suffered..You can see her face is differenr now!
Bon courage!!
Mika said…
Awww poor girl! I have to say I'm not surprised either since she was refusing to put any weight on it. But at least now you know and she can get all healed up. And YAAA on Joe coming home!
Karyn said…
Oh my!!! Poor little thing!! But what a stylin' cast!! :)
Sarah and Jack said…
Well, what a relief to finally know what the problem is. The not seeing a broken bone immediately thing is really a problem.
Anonymous said…
Oh Spenser! I'm glad they FINALLY figured out what's wrong. How in the world did she break her leg anyway? Hope you can hold out for three weeks as well. I'm sure she'll start hobbling around soon.
Anonymous said…
I kinda knew it too, but I didn't want to be all negative to you if you didn't want to hear it.

Tell her her cast is VERY stylish!! Hope it heals quickly.
Anonymous said…
at least its pink. poor girl. too bad the novelty of being waited on hand and foot - err...leg - has already worn off. again i say, at least its pink.
Brandy said…
Poor thing. Great pink cast though! I'm happy for you that Joe is coming back into town. Take some time for yourself this weekend Lera. You deserve it!!!
Amanda Jean said…
oh, that is cute and sad all at the same time. thankfully your hubby comes home today.
Joanna said…
What a week it's been for you. I bet you're super happy about Joe coming home!! Poor little Spenser. I hope she heals up quickly.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad she is ok, I have been waiting to hear what was wrong!! Funny how you can be so concerned about someone you don't even know:)
Hope she will heal quickly and poor you having to deal with all that's been happening the past week. Hopefully you will get a breather with Joe back.
FinnyKnits said…
I think you've got a diva on your hands there. Good thing she's so cute :) Stay strong, Lera - when that cast is off, you have her wait on you for a while.

Hey, it's only fair.
utmommy said…
Poor little thing. Hope she has a speedy recovery.
dig this chick said…
Tell Spencer I think her new accessory is fabulous!
Chara Michele said…
Poor Spenser! Hope it mends quickly... although I have to agree that is a pretty sweet cast:)
Anonymous said…
Well Spenser has done something I've never done - broken a bone, that is. Poor girl. I'm glad she's up moving around for daddy.
KansasSiena2009 said…
how did she break it

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