Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

I am thankful that I have another Thanksgiving to spend with my family. I am thankful for six beautiful, healthy children. I am thankful for Joe. He works so I can stay at home with my children. I am thankful for my home. I am thankful for an unseasonably warm and sunny day. I am thankful for my sewing machine. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for yummy food I am about to partake.

Enjoy. I'll meet you back here on Monday.

(Pilgrim hat cookies information is here. It's an annual treat at our house.)

P.S. Spenser refuses to wear the dress.


Lori B said…
Happy Thanksgiving! And thanks for keeping the blog - great to see what you are doing. I "outed" myself from lurking a while ago. I really enjoy your blog and get great ideas from you. I think I want to try the pilgrim hats! -Lori
Karyn said…
Happy Thanksgiving! It's not my fault I'm late commenting today, YOU were late posting.

Those cookies look yummy, did you save any for ME?
Berber said…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Why won't she wear the dress? It's adorable!
Anonymous said…
she's three right? bwa ha ha ha!
Amanda Jean said…
I love reading what everyone is thankful for...

I am thankful for a gorgeous package of scraps in the mail from a great blogger friend. THANKS a bunch. :) they are perfect.
kristin said…
no to the dress?????

oh, it is wonderful.
beki said…
Okay, I'm a little late, but Happy Thanksgiving to you! I'm glad you had a good one ;-)
CONNIE W said…
I found this blog from your *other* one. You have a wonderful family, I love that photo! So cute.

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