Backpack, Backpack.

Now I'm singing Dora ... Sorry if you are, too.

Yesterday I used up the rest of my brain cells trying to make this backpack. It took a lot. I had to resort to using some of Joe's brain cells when my ran out.

I was going to make Spenser a tote bag for preschool. I looked at a few backpacks at the store and they were pretty yucky. (She wasn't with me or I would have been suckered into something, I'm sure.) So, a tote it was.

Until ... someone asked her if she had a new backpack for preschool ... Her eyes lit up. She had never thought about a backpack for preschool. It was a look of wonderment and I saw the wheels turning in her head. She wanted a backpack. For preschool.

I thought, "It can't be that hard to figure out ..." And, really, it wasn't. It was more time consuming. I serged all the parts together and "lined" it with white flannel to give it more stability. However, it's still flimsy. I made a pocket on the inside bottom and added a piece of plastic needlepoint stuff (?), which helps it hold its shape.

And then I decided she needed a matching tissue pouch. Just in case ... You never know when you might need a tissue.


Lora said…
Cute backpack!! Nathan starts pre k next week. I never thought of a backpack either!!! Maybe I can just let him use one of Jakes old ones for now. :) Don't even know if he'll need one.
nikko said…
It turned out so cute! I love the fabric. Is it IKEA? Spenser will have so much fun, I'm sure.
Anonymous said…
now i know you can figure out anything!!!
Karyn said…
Oh My Goodness!!! That is SO cute! I can't believe you engineered that all by yourself, well I can, you're amazing, but that looks like it was hard!
Lori B said…
I love it! What great fabric, too.
Anonymous said…
So cute! Those fabrics are just adorable.
Kris said…
Great job on the backpack! (If I had ever watched Dora I'm sure I would have that song stuck in my head. Fortunately my youngest is a boy and was never into Dora. However if you want to hear a Bob the Builder song I know them all!) I love the Ikea fabric you used. So happy!
Brenda said…
I love it. You did a great job.
Anonymous said…
Lovely job Lera. Yes she will be so Dora Explorer.
dig this chick said…
Oh. I can't imagine my bug going off to preschool with a backpack. Geez. That is an adorable specimen.

My mom made me a peachy (did you call them peachies? We did. Folders with pockets?). My peachy was denim with pink and turquoise thread and my name embroidered on it. And an embroidered daisy too. There was a sweet pocket with an eyelet lace border. I still have it. I love it.
misschris said…
Spenser is going to love Kindergarten. What a cute backpack. You can do it all, my friend. (And I did the happy dance on the first day of school, too.) xoxo
TOO CUTE!! Love the fabric! She will be the coolest kid on the playground for sure!
Urban Organica said…
Lera- what a sweet shape. That great hippo fabric is pretty cool, too. Very Scandi. Oh, when those little wheels turn, it's hard to just ignore, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
wow. you MADE her a backpack. that is above and beyond, lera!
You are so creative. Really, this is very cute. She will be so proud of her backpack, but more importantly, proud of you! I bet she even says something like, "My mommy is more creative than your mommy." Well, maybe not, because she's a really sweet spirit and stuff. And I think only mean kids say stuff like that, but I don't know.
Great job on the backpack. My kids love Dora and also Diego. When it comes on tv I will have half an hour of peace!
Anonymous said…
cute fabric. i love it.
Berber said…
Clever you!! It turned out wonderful!
Amanda Jean said…
I would have been happy to not have the Dora song in my head. my husband and son changed the words, though, to: dora, dora, dora the regular person...

(we are a wacky bunch, I admit it.)

good times...good times.
Emily said…
Very cheery and apt for lovely Spenser!
Tori Leslie said…
Wow, that's great and I super love the fabric. What a considerate woman you are, a tissue holder too. How nice!
Great job, BRAVO!

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