My Achy-Breaky Knees

So my knees are better. I think. So far so good. I think some vacay time did them well. (But I don't think the hiking and geocaching was so good to them.)

The thing is, Joe and I have started running in the mornings. I was very gung-ho and felt great. During one morning run, I noticed that my left knee hurt a bit. Not enough to make me stop though. Later in the day it got worse and worse.

We couldn't run the next morning because Joe had to work very late the night before and didn't come home until nearly 1 a.m. I knew we'd skip that run and I was okay with it. Kind of. After getting out of bed, I realized my knee was killing me. I tried to nurse it back to health by myself with ibuprofen. I didn't know exactly what was wrong with it, but I was thinking ligaments. The doctor thought it was bone. Either way, a few days after the injury he gave me new meds and told me I could run in five days.

Five days came and went. I could barely walk. Ten days came and went and I barely felt better. On the eleventh day I felt some slight improvement and they have been getting better since. (Still having issues with my right knee though.)

So on Monday morning Joe and started running again. Just three or four days a week (for now). I decided to ice my knees and take ibuprofen upon our arrival home, just in case. I had bought an ice blanket, cut it into two strips and used them. They work great, but I was not loving the towels I was using to cover them. They just wouldn't do.

Every ice pack needs a pretty cover, right? Well, that's what I decided 7 a.m. this morning as I plopped down on the sofa.

I rummaged through my vintage sheet scraps and made two covers. I lined each with white cotton because the sheets are, well, sheets and thin.

They are actually quite long. Each strip is 18" long. This one is 6" wide and the smaller one is 3" wide.

All in a morning's work.


Anonymous said…
u r sooooo funny. just back back from riding 6 miles!
Karyn said…
I'm glad your knee is better!! Ice is a good idea (DianNe always says "ice it").

And, very cute ice pack covers. You're so brillaint.
Bonus Mom said…
Cute ice packs :) I adore your header photo! I hope your knees get back to 'normal' soon.
nikko said…
Very cute covers.

I just started running as well, and there was a period of a few days when my knees were killing me. I have a friend who is a runner and a phys. therapist and she told me to buy new shoes. I did and it really helped!

Hope your knees feel better soon!
misschris said…
You are so clever! Your ice packs have clothes!

(But ouchie on the knees. I've been running the last couple months and every day I worry about my knees... But I have new shoes this time and they are making big difference. I hope you figure something out soon, girly!)
Anonymous said…
so i just want to reiterate on the shoes. very important. and make sure you buy the right kind for you kind of walk/gait whatever its called. has some great prices on the asics (love love love those)
Anonymous said…
You must know what a great picture that is of your kids. Gorgeous lake, beautiful babies!
Emily said…
New, good running shoes should help your achy knee. Good Luck! Aches and pains don't make you want to stick with the excersize very long!
Urban Organica said…
oh, that is so inspiring! my footballer husband always trying to get me to ice. i can't stand it. but now, maybe. in any case i'm going to make a cover for that water bottle in the freezer. right now.
Anonymous said…
I love that you decorated your ice packs! You are a true crafter,indeed! ;)
hooli said…
OK... seriously, do you ever sleep?!?!? Hope you're feeling better, soon.
You are amazing. I don't think I would have thought to jazz up the ice with some covers. Very pretty!
Amanda Jean said…
of course you sewed covers for the ice packs. so pretty!
jessica said…
Love your ice packs and I hope that your knees feel better so you can keep up your running!

p.s. I love the updated pic of your kids on your blog banner!
Kris said…
Okay! Running! See that's where you first went wrong. If you run bits will hurt (I think that's a law of the universe). For my exercise I walk aaaaaaaaaaall the way to the sewing machine and sit down. By the way, I looooooove your ice covers. Almost makes me want to go running myself! (Almost)
FinnyKnits said…
That's awesome - I think about making ice pack covers every single Saturday when I get home from my long run.

I sit in the backyard with packs on both knees going "You know, these would frost my knees less if they had covers. Maybe I'll make some."

And then I go about my day, forgetting my ass off.

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