Out With the New, In With the Old

With all of my thrifting treasures finding their way into my home, I have a steady trickle of "new" things that are going out of the house. I've been going through our buffet and cabinets and antique glass secretary and cleaning out. Newer stuff is going to be donated. I have a box and a pile on the floor of stuff that won't fit in the box. And I'm just starting ...

Here are some of the things that have recently made their way into my home.

Some lovely Pyrex from my friend, Kat. Look at the lid to that aqua piece! It has a lovely gold design! And I've been needing a divided casserole. Since my kids are anti-potato, it will make roast-night dinners easier for me. Carrots on one side. Potatoes on the other.

These are also from Kat. A Pyrex pie plate, a little flower teacup for Spenser, and a fruity casserole dish. I was just looking at that same pattern in the thrift store the day that Kat dropped it off at my house. It has strawberries on it! Swoon!

She also brought over some vases and craft supplies. Thank you, Kat. It was like Christmas day going through the box.

And here are a few more treasures from the flea market last Friday. A set of six Pyrex bowls/mini-casserole dishes. I already have an aqua one, which I use for salads. This set of three aqua, two yellow, and one olive cost $1.50 total.

Does anyone recognize these glasses? Mom-mom used to have these when we were growing up (and maybe she still does). Pop-pop ran a BP gas station until his first retirement and these glasses were a promotional item, probably in the 70's or so. The smiley faces always remind me of my grandparents. I love them. When I saw a set of five for $5, I thought it was a pretty good deal. Then when I saw a set of three for $3 each, I knew the set of five was a bargain, so I hopped, skipped, and jumped my way back to the first table and scooped them up.

Two little tins. What can I say? They are cute and useful. I can put some sewing supplies in them.

And this was a totally frivolous purchase. Over a year ago I bought a dog dish, that I use as a butter dish for very special company (i.e., Karyn and Dianne and the missionaries). I found its twin at the flea market! I had to buy it. It was just too ... weird ... that I would find two of these odd things in the same town. It was only $1 and worth every bit of it to me. How can I not smile when I see twin dogs holding butter on my dining table?


Brenda said…
You are so lucky to have a friend like Kat. You know that Early American pyrex matches the beautiful bowl I love. But I don't see a rooster on it. Everything else looks like it. Everything else is soooooooooo cute.
nikko said…
Oooh. I love the mini casseroles. So cute!
LunaMoonbeam said…
Hehehe...my brother just reported to the MTC this week, and it makes me GIGGLE to think that someone out there might serve him butter...in a spotted weiner dog...very, very soon. :-) (No, he's not heading to Maryland...but it is the East Coast! I'm thrilled. :-))
Anonymous said…
i still don't know where you put all of this - do you really use all of your pyrex?
misschris said…
Those doggie butter dishes are too much fun. I'd *have* to have them, too.

I'm with Kirsten, where do you store all the Pyrex? Because I'm having a bit of trouble with that lately. And am totally green over that aqua dish with the gold trimmed lid. Oh. My.
Anonymous said…
I love the doggie dishes! Lucky missionaries- I'll bet they wrote home to their mommas about your butter dishes :) The glasses look familiar too, in shape. My grandma had "Cabbage Patch Kids." We LOVED those glasses.

I'm so glad you mentioned Kat- she leaves the most lovely comments on my blog :o)
Kat said…
I'm so glad you liked them.I too was cleaning out and couldn't think of a more deserving person. Nick made me promise to give the tea cup to Spencer I think he might have a litte chrush on her. ;)
Karyn said…
Wow! You are so lucky!!!

And I love all your new Pyrex, especially the little mini-casserole dishes. LOVE!

And, since I've been to your house I can attest to the fact that you use every single piece of Pyrex you own!

And.....the doggie butter dishes, cute!
Diane said…
Great finds, as always. I want to thrift in your town! Especially love the turquoise tin with dancing folks on it. Too cute.
Barbara said…
My parents' neighbors used to have those dog dishes in their basement rec room (very 60s). I think they put snack crackers in them - kind of all lined up in a row, not just dumped in, if you know what I mean. My brother and I found it the epitome of style.
Katie Jean said…
you've been hitting the pyrex jackpot lately, haven't you? Love the casserole dishes.

I think you should serve hot dogs in those dogs. That might really make you look crazy.
Dover Fam said…
I LOVE the glasses with the smiley faces on them and the "Hot Dogs" are the cutest things I have seen. Thank heavens for thrift stores and flea markets!!!
I would have thought the dog dishes were to hold actual hot dogs. So cool! You have a great eye for the truly great things at a flea market.
Tori Leslie said…
Oh I love it all, reminds me so much of being a kid.

LOVE the doggy dishes!!
Emily said…
You have a great friend in Kat! And I am so envious of all the pyrex treasures!

My favorite is the divided pyrex baking dish!
Anonymous said…
I love those tins Lera. I seem to be going through a tin phase where I have bits which need a home.

Daughter has a fruit project with her Art syllabus which will be part of her GCSE qualification. Needless to say she has chosen strawberries rather than staying with just fruit. I think she'd love your dish too. :-)
Jessica said…
I am seriously jealous of that Pyrex that found it's way into your house!!!
Jo-Anne said…
Fun stuff! I especially love the dog dishes!
I am going to try those cookies...yum!
utmommy said…
Fun stuff!

I love the mini casserole dishes!
Amanda Jean said…
I love the smiley face glasses. and I also love your clever title for this post. :)

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