For Some Babies

Everywhere I look, babies are being born. I threw together a few bibs and burp cloth (all backed in chenille) for some new baby girls. I love the femininity of the fabric. Too sweet. Soon I have to work on those boy versions...
- Mason scored his first goal on Saturday during soccer. Woo-hoo, Mason!
- We had a couple of barfy boys in the house within the last couple of days. Yuck.
- Our little town flooded Saturday night/Sunday morning. Main Street was blocked off, as was our main entrance and exit to the town.
- I succumbed about bought some candy corn for Sawyer's little birthday gathering. I think I ate too much. (But did you know there is "caramel candy corn?")
- I'm running late this morning. I have to drive Spenser to preschool. But I have dinner in the crockpot.
Yay for soccer goals, boo for barfies.
you have dinner in the crockpot already? you put me to shame, woman.
I am still putting my post together for today, but you need to pop over later and check it out. Bibs and burpcloths are what you will find!
Your are lovely. The fabric is so pretty and romantic. I like the idea of backing with chenille. Too cozy!
Hope the water was a mere inconvenience and not the kind of headache it ends up being over here.
And woohooo Mason!!! I played soccer for 12 years and never got a goal. 'Course, I played defense, but whatever. He should be proud!!!
Dinner already? You're rocking and rolling today, girl. xoxo
Caramel candy corn??? Now this I need to investigate.
I wish I had dinner in the crock pot too! *sigh*