You Know You're Old When ...

... you sniffle and it pulls a muscle in the back of your neck.

Yes. It is true. If it can happen, it will happen to me. I've had a cold since Sunday evening and yesterday morning, while packing school lunches, I sniffled. And as soon as I did, I had a spasm in the back of my neck. It hurt the rest of the day.

I've wanted to recover my heating pad (just like my ice packs) forever. (Or as Miss Chris so eloquently stated "make clothes for them.") Heating pad covers are, well, nasty. They are scratchy and ugly and everything sticks to them. They needed something new to wear. It's wonky and puckery (which I almost entirely blame on my machine), but it's better than the polyester stuff from before. I made this from linen and scraps from my basket. I have another heating pad that needs a new cover, so hopefully it will look better. Yes, when you get old and start falling apart, you need multiple heating pads.

P.S. It wasn't a big nasty sniffle. Just a little one.


Liz said…
Cute cover. I think my heating pad needs a makeover too...
Amanda Jean said…
you made me laugh today.

your heating pad cover looks fabulous. (with linen and patchwork, how could you go wrong?) I just caught a cold, too. I hate these first few weeks of school. so much crud that the kids bring home and share.
Karyn said…
Wow!! That's the best looking heating pad I've ever seen!
That's heating pad would definitely win the best dressed award!
nikko said…
Ugh. I hear you. I've had a cold since Monday morning. Stinks.

Your heating pad cover is too cute. I'm glad you made it some clothes. ;o)
Anonymous said…
oh, my husband has done that! hope you're feeling better! (and covering my heating pad has been on my list for ages! maybe someday i'll actually do it!)
Ashley Ann said…
I LOVE it. I need to get mine out. I forget that I have a heating pad sometimes, but I need to remember it more. Maybe I should get it tattood on my frequently achy parts.

Anyway, I might have to make some of those for Christmas gifts.
Kat said…
Looks good. Hope you feel better soon.
Anonymous said…
I have pads I made with rice in them 40 seconds in the microwave and then on the place that hurts! it does help alot! you just make the size and shape you want and I carrie it along blocked by a scarf ... more freedom then being plugged in!!
Your guess is good ... yes I am at that age !!!
misschris said…
What a darling get-up for your heating pad! You just know if it *could* prance about and pose in the mirror, it would.

Take care, sweetie. Neck pain is so torturous!
Diane said…
If it didn't cause you pain, that would've been hilarious. I do hope you feel better soon. Your cute little heating pad should help. It made me feel better, and I'm not even sick :)
Kris said…
I think the heat pad clothing is beautiful. Not wonky or puckery at all.

I have wheat bags (same deal with the microwave as the rice bags, but they hold the heat longer) and hor water bottles. I guess I am older than you and not very high tech! (I still make clothing for wheat bags and hot water bottles. Not so very different from you!)
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your neck but what a lovely job you made of covering the heat pack. Hope it eases soon.
Sue said…
Oh I love your new header. Your kids are all so cute. I hope your neck feels better soon and the heating pad works. I gave you an award too if you want to pop over and have a look.
Journal Swag said…
What a GREAT idea! I sure need one, maybe you should make some and sell them on Etsy!
Barbara said…
Poor you. I've heard of that from sneezing but not snuffling. Hope you feel better. You might want to tell everyone you need bedrest.
utmommy said…
Hope you feel better soon.

Love the heating pad cover!
Anonymous said…
Well.... a while ago, I put my back out by knitting....

(I'm only 45...)
FinnyKnits said…
Ooh! Good idea! The heating pad comes out this time of year for our aches and pains associated with such strenuous activities as bringing in a log for the fire and whoopsy! tripping on a manhole cover.

I'm also SO making those ice pack covers, too. I can do the ice/heat thing in style.
Anonymous said…
I love it!! You know I have a thing for linen+color. These fabrics are awesome. Wonky is good. Handmade. Is it that you're old or that you've had 6 kids? A chiropractor, I'm telling you, Laura. I don't know if you've ever been, but they save us. Hope you're feeling better!

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