
Mason had a karate exam on Tuesday evening. He was promoted from yellow belt to red belt.

For an extra credit project, Mason had to make something from a fairy tale using recycled items. He wanted to make a gorilla (his all-time favorite animal), but we couldn't think of any fairy tales that had gorillas in them, so we chose a pig instead.

Taylor had to make a "museum replica" of someone he had been researching for Social Studies. His person was Hannibal. He wanted to make a papier-mâché project of a soldier on an elephant, but he procrastinated and then went to Outdoor School for a week and was running out of time. I came up with the idea to make a coin (as shown here). We used an old cereal box for the back, two layers of thick craft foam for the elephant and soldier, and thin craft foam for the details (like ear, tusk, soldier's leg, etc.). Then we covered it in aluminium foil. We rubbed black paint over the surface and slightly rubbed it off to to make it look aged. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't do the papier-mâché, but he really procrastinated too long. And his grade? 100%. (That did make him happier.)

  • I am still sick. I am still running a fever and have body aches. I am currently being treated with a round of antibiotics for Lyme disease. We are not sure I have it, because the results of the test came back "equivocal," which is inconclusive/borderline. Today is day 13.

  • I haven't really said much about this, but I thought it was important to write it in my "journal." One of my neighbors was running against me for town council. We had always been on friendly terms. In fact, he visited our house a few years back dressed as Santa. It is not uncommon for him to wave (several times a day) as he passes our house. Since the election, he won't even look in my direction. He accidentally waved to me the other day because he was standing on Main Street and I was driving by. I waved, he waved and then I think he realized what he had done. I was walking to the car last night and he drove by. He didn't even turn his head. I know he saw me. I continue to wave and be the same person I was before the election. It just kind of makes me sad because, for one, I felt sorry for him when I heard he didn't win; and two, I'd be the first one to congratulate him if he had won. Each election, he runs. Each election, he loses.

  • Two days after the election, the kids were riding their bikes on the sidewalk, so Joe and I were sitting on the front porch watching them. I saw the above-mentioned neighbor walk down the street to the pit bull people. A minute after that, my most-annoying-neighbor-of-all walked out of his house and started walking down the street. I turned to Joe and said, "I think all the neighbors who hate me are calling a secret meeting." The annoying neighbor actually walked over to his car, but it was just funny to see (what appeared to be) the three of them meeting. (I get along with the rest of my neighbors, I promise.)

  • Spenser is a silly little girl. Since the election, she walks around saying, "Hi, my name is (insert my name) and I'm running for town council." It is hilarious. Also, every time I help her with something (even as simple as pouring her a drink), she says, "Thank you (insert my name) for town council."


nikki said…
I hope that those antibiotics do their job!
As for your neighbor, he's just jealous and petty. He's obviously mad that you won your very first time running. It is sad that a grown man acts that way.
nikko said…
Aw, Lera! I hope you feel better soon. 13 days of antibiotics and you still feel yucky? That's no good!

Hopefully your neighbor can get over his resentment. Maybe you can make him something to show there are no hard feelings. ;o)
Kris said…
Hmm... you have some lovely things and some yukky things! Having difficult neighbours is very hard. We have had wonderful neighbours here, but we move tomorrow! I'm a little apprehensive.

Sad to hear you're still unwell. Hope the antibiotics do the trick! (Are you sure the bad neighbours weren't sharing around voodoo dolls?

Congrats to your boys!
heidi said…
that is hysterical! i love it! congrats by the way!
FinnyKnits said…
I think you have your own "Sh*&^y Neighbors" now, too!


Sorry that some people can't be grown ups about it, though. That's truly sh*&^y.

And I do hope you find out what's going on with your cooties.
Amanda Jean said…
sorry to hear about your neighbor problems. knowing that you are my twin, i'm sure it bothers you an awful lot. that spenser is one hilarious little girl. one last thing...i hope that you are feeling better S-O-O-N!
Libby said…
I hate it when someone is mad/not speaking to me! and when it's not my fault!!My sister is my neighbor and because of some money issues my husband had to buy my Dad's business. My sister worked there and was causing some problems. To cut payroll and save the business, Sister lost her job. and now, she wont speak to me, when her little girls ride their bikes and I wave they turn their heads. Nice, Maybe they will move to your street! Hope you feel better soon! Libby
Marty said…
I'm glad they're treating you for Lyme Disease, even if you turn out to not have it. My dentist's assistant had Lyme and went undiagnosed for almost a year, because Lyme is not supposed to exist in Montana. It wasn't until she was in her doctor's waiting room and happened to mention her symptoms to someone waiting that they put two and two together. She's fine now, but it took a ton of antibiotics to get her over it. She never did figure out where she picked it up. Told Hubs that that nice lady that sent me the napkins was sick. He felt bad. Get better, girl, hear?

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