The Big Three
No, I'm not talking about "The Big Three" automakers. I'm talking about my blog birthday!

Today is my third blog birthday. Three. Years. Man, time flies.
In honor of my birthday, I am having a giveaway. You don't have one chance to win. Or even two chances. You have three chances to win.
I have three snowman dish towels and three bars of handmade chocolate-mint soap that need new homes.
Just leave a comment (on this post) for a chance to win. If you can, please tell me how you found my blog, how long you've been visiting, and if you have a favorite/most memorable post, please share it. I will randomly pick three names some time on Wednesday.
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Wow! Where have you been all my bloggy life? I can't believe all the wonderful comments I've gotten on this post. Thank you! I wish I had 67 snowman towels and bars of soap to giveaway to send to each of you.
I used a random number generator to pick the winners of this giveaway. They are as follows:
Another Amy
Please email me your address, and I'll pop them in the mail! Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for your kind comments.
Today is my third blog birthday. Three. Years. Man, time flies.
In honor of my birthday, I am having a giveaway. You don't have one chance to win. Or even two chances. You have three chances to win.
I have three snowman dish towels and three bars of handmade chocolate-mint soap that need new homes.
Just leave a comment (on this post) for a chance to win. If you can, please tell me how you found my blog, how long you've been visiting, and if you have a favorite/most memorable post, please share it. I will randomly pick three names some time on Wednesday.
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Wow! Where have you been all my bloggy life? I can't believe all the wonderful comments I've gotten on this post. Thank you! I wish I had 67 snowman towels and bars of soap to giveaway to send to each of you.
I used a random number generator to pick the winners of this giveaway. They are as follows:
Another Amy
Please email me your address, and I'll pop them in the mail! Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for your kind comments.
Happy Blog Birthday!
Okay. Bergers cookies???? YUMMMM!!! They look like they are worth the trip to Baltimore!
And, on September 20th, 2006 you bought the Stitch'n'Bitch book so you could learn how to knit!!!! Do you know how to knit yet??????
I love you blog and I love you and I love your family and I've been lucky enough to actually meet all of you and for that I am very very very grateful. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!!!! I'm getting all teary.
I have been visiting for about 6 months now and my favorite posts are about your fabulous shoe collection and the "candy corn" themed items!
I love shoes and Halloween so you hit the spot with those...congrats on the 3rd year.
The story about the boys turning over the couch at the birthday party sticks with me...
Count me in please...
(the word verification thingy just below is spelling a very dirty little phrase. I won't repeat it, but it's making me laugh.)
I'm not sure if I have a favorite post of yours or not. I love hearing how life with 4 boys (+ Spencer & Sawyer) always seems to keep you on your toes. I especially love stories about your Carter ~ because I suspect our Carter's are a lot a like! :) Oh, and of course I always love seeing new Pyrex eye candy!
Congrats on your blogs Bday!! :)
I have been visiting for a while now. I really like the crafting posts.
I started my blog this last SEpt. so I began a search to find other Moms with the same interests and similar families to mine.
So it was probably SEpt. or Oct. that I started reading here.
Happy 3rd anniversary!
For me, your most memorable posts have been about your sister and the two young youth in your ward who were killed in the car accident a few weeks ago. My continued love to your family and theirs. May the Lord continue to hold you each in the palm of his hand.
From one running, crafting mom to another. Congrats!
And a favorite post? How about every time I said in a comment that I was laughing so hard that I
a.) snorted
b.) was crying
or c.) caused a co-worker to come see if I was okay.
I found your blog through a link on Lori's about 2-3 years ago.
The post that made me laugh the most was the sofa tipping birthday.
Hmm, has it been almost two years? Something like that. Mid-2007, I think. And I'm sure I found you through clicking on one of your comments somewhere and was hooked.
Me? I likey the Pyrex. I love how lucky you are in that dept. And the soap. Oh yes, I love your soap. The one that smelled like meat might have been my favorite post. xo
Congratulations on your anniversary! I just started blogging recently and wonder if anyone will read my site?! How nice to know people visit yours and keep coming back!
My favorite posts are anything to do with the kids. You may recall I have 3 boys and 1 girl, all peeing on (or should I just say not into) the toilet ;)
I think I began reading your blog sometime in late 2006/early 2007 and found it through a link on another crafty blog :)
I love all your posts and loved getting aquainted with your blog when I had my first child really helped me get through all those late night feedings :) Thanks!
I can't pick just one post, but you always impress me with how much sewing and/or crafting you get done while also taking care of your kids. Having one kid is kicking my butt... but I am getting better at the balancing act! :)
now, i'm in competition with karyn - i really need that soap lera. really.
I sure am glad you started blogging, Lera!
You have a super family.
Hard to pin point any particular post cos I:
Love all your posts on your children.
Admire all your creativity.
And am real envious of your PYREX finds!!
Happy blog birthday!
Dawn Madigan