It Was a Good Day

Today was a normal soccer Saturday. Jack had an early-morning game (they tied). Carter's team played last night (they lost). And Taylor's team played this afternoon.

It was hot. But it was good. I have been waiting for this day for years. Years.

Let me explain. My boys have been participating in soccer since Kindergarten. Each boy. They usually play defense positions (fullback and the occasional goalie, which flips me out). And they are good playing defense. They used to call Taylor "The Wall" because nothing would pass by him.
For part of today's game, Taylor played midfield. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a lot of experience in this position and it makes me nervous for him. Anyway, Taylor's team had the ball down towards their goal, someone passed it to him, and he made a goal. My boy made a goal! Not just a goal. His first goal!

I always thought I would be the loud, cheering mama screaming for my boy when he scored a goal. Today, I couldn't. I cried. I clapped my hands as hard as I could, but I sat there and cried. Tears of pure joy. It was beautiful. Not a word could come out of my mouth (which is a mighty rare occurrence, just ask Joe). I was so happy for him and so proud at the same time.

He didn't notice though, because everyone else was cheering and high-fiving him.

And did I mention? They won the game. It was a good day.


Jen said…
Awwww... how sweet for you Lera! I am happy for him and you! Did he have a smile for the rest of the day?
Anonymous said…
Oh, good for him. What a big day?! Yippee!
Anonymous said…
Tell Taylor congrats!! The first goal is always the sweetest!!!

Anonymous said…
yay, taylor!
i love mom moments like that - other people might not notice, but you know how important that stuff is.
Anonymous said…
Yay Taylor, sorry I missed it! Hopefully it'll be Erik next.
Thanks again for the soda!
Karyn said…
Great, now you have me all misty!!!
nikko said…
Way to go, Taylor!
Lora said…
OH Lera!! Bless your heart for crying with joy!!! Yeah Taylor!
Amanda Jean said…
you made me all teary for you just reading about it! what an exciting day.
Chara Michele said…
How exciting! Congrats to Taylor:)
FinnyKnits said…
Congrats to Taylor! How exciting! I remember scoring my first goal in soccer and how important it was. I love that you were there tearing up for him. Clearly a big day for you both. You're really the sweetest mama.

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