A Little Sewing

Last night we went to my niece's 10th birthday party. You may remember a similar set I made for her sister's birthday in August.

These sisters are close in age and love to do things together. So, in August when I gave the first set to my niece, the older one said, "I want one, too!" Alrighty then. Thanks for making it easy for me!

And, I am not responsible for this:

I was running someone to soccer and Joe was "watching" the kids. Poor neglected baby.


Karyn said…
I love the fabric for that tote Lera!!! Have you been holding out on me??? Where is that from?????
Very nice tote and apron. Cute sleeping baby too :)
Anonymous said…
Won't you be glad when soccer season is over? I know I will. I love the tote and apron!!

Anonymous said…
Wow!!! You have an amazing blog!!! I love that tote and apron, what a super gift!

I'll have to come back again and see what you're up to.
Anonymous said…
Sawyer has changed so much in the past few weeks. That blond hair!

I love it when kids make it easy with the gifts - and those are so cute.

And the smock! Ack! I've got to make Aidin one for her Pippi Longstocking Halloween costume.

Have a great weekend!
Amanda Jean said…
the sleeping baby in the high chair made me laugh.
Anonymous said…
monkey is on my lap - he saw sawyer and stopped 'oh, how cute that baby is!'

Chara Michele said…
That tote fabric is hilarious! Love it:)

Cute sleeping baby:)

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