
My hair is still a WIP. It's definitely not looking like the girl in the magazine (hee hee hee). It's supposed to be choppy and piecey at the ends. Still working on that part.
My hair was always straight growing up. Six children later, I have wavy (sometimes curly) hair. (Pregnancy does some weird things to your body.) I have been blow drying it with a paddle brush and then straightening it with a flat iron. According to the last picture, it's more straight than usual, but still not straight enough. Oh well. I can't see that side.
My original goal (before getting my hair cut) was to keep it long enough for a ponytail. We abandoned that idea before the first snip of the scissors. I love that my stylist is adventurous and flexible.
I didn't take a "before" shot. The only thing that comes close to seeing the back of my hair is this Easter photo. I almost always wore my hair up. Either in a single chignon or a double chignon. Sometimes a low ponytail. Baby grabbed it too much if it was down. Those underneath hairs that really hurt. It had to go.
On Friday night, my boys and Spenser spent the night with my in-laws. Joe and I went out to dinner semi-alone with Sawyer. It was the first time we've been out "alone" in almost a year. I think it was June or July last time.
Joe had to work on Saturday. So what did I do with some "alone" time? I vacuumed. Did the dishes. Put away laundry. When Sawyer woke up, we walked to the post office and downtown. I say "downtown" as if there is anything there. In a one red light town, there's not much of a downtown. We did visit the general store.
I was a little more productive in the crafting department on Saturday during Sawyer's afternoon nap: a second bib apron for Spenser; the start of a doll quilt; and the start of another project.
My hair turned curly after having a baby too.
and hey, you can do double pig tails like me when you wanna get it off your neck.
and where'd you go for dinner? come one, i have to live vicariously through you non-allergic people.
am looking forward to seeing your wips...especially the doll quilt.
Have you thought about embracing the curliness instead of trying to force your hair to be straight? You might get a Meg Ryan kind of a look (you know, from back in the days when her hair was just so cute)!
that's what i would do if my hair wasn't super curly!
(stupid curly hair... can't cut it short... sometimes it's good, though)
My hair stayed straight, but turned brown. Now I have to pay for a little blond now and then. They find lots of ways to cost us money don't they... ;)