
Today is my second blogiversary. I have been jabbing my jaws for two years now. Two years. Time has flown by. I've had my blog longer than I've had Sawyer in my life, which seems totally weird because it feels like he's always been a part of my life.

I have enjoyed documenting my thoughts and crafts, but, most of all, my family. It's amazing how much I have forgotten until I read some of my older posts.

I have also loved meeting bloggers and seeking inspiration from their work. This crafty community is where it's at. You're a kind and generous bunch.

As a token of my appreciation to my readers, I am offering a giveaway. I will be giving away not one, but two, things in honor of my second blogiversary. Two commenters will win a zippered pouch made from My Folklore fabric and a bar of my handmade chocolate-mint soap.

This is what you need to do. Comment on this post and either:

1 - Tell me which post of mine was most memorable to you. (It can be a craft, a story, or anything.) Or ...

2 - If you haven't been around too long, tell me how you found my blog and how long you've been visiting.

I will randomly pick two names from the comment section on or about Tuesday.


Beth said…
Happy Anniversary!

I always appreciate the stories about things that go knock in the night...because I have the same problem.

And the time the boys flipped over the sofa at the birthday party, cause it makes my wild man seem calm!
*~hj~* said…
Happy Blogiversary Lera! I haven't been around too long, but I remember the blog - October 1-"You know it's going to be a bad day when... " what a day... I found you through Amandajean and I have been visiting since August!
Karyn said…
Well, let me see....I can't even remember when I started reading your blog! How bad is that! It seems like forever! I know it's been well over a year.

You KNOW my day isn't complete without reading what you've been up to and I really appreciate it when you post in a timely fashion. When you're late it tends to mess up my day :)

I think my favourite post is this one:
You look so cute in that purple and blue dress! :)

Happy Blogiversary Lera!!!!!!
Kira said…
Happy Anniversary! i've loved all the wonderful inspiration you put out there, it makes me want to do better for my children. But can you please share where you got the recipe for the soap from? I was thinking of making it as a party favor ... and it seems so universal & fun! :) Thanks!
Sonja said…
Happy Blog-Birthday!
I like reading all of your stories, and I just love looking at pictures of your sewing projects. They inspire me to create something myself.
I found you over flickr, for the Fat Quarter Challenge. (So fun!)
Cindy Is Crafty said…
I found your blog while googling craft blogs for inspiration. I thought man she has 5 kids and can find time to craft, I am such a wimp!

No particular post stands out, but I love reading your blog. Here's wishing you many, many more!
Unknown said…
Happy Blogiversary! I have been reading your blog for a couple months now. I found you when I was searching for ideas on what to sew with fat quarters and found the flickr group. I love reading about you, your crafts and your family. Keep it up!
Angela said…
Two!! Wow.. I cant wait till my second bloggy year. Ive come across your blog on several ocassions and your children are sooo cute. (secretly Im jealous.. I would love to have six)

I blogged about your contest to spread the love.
Anonymous said…
I am blessed to have YOU as a BFF. Thanks to Visiting Teaching!It would not be fair for me to win because I already have one of those lovely zippered pouches.(But mine does NOT have birds on it) I think my favorite is the 100 things about Lera you do on your birthday. I either laugh or cry at every item. I am so grateful to know you personally. ME!!
Anonymous said…
i started reading your blog after i saw you practically BEG for Karyn's Cadbury-pop-rocks candy last spring. i thought "who is this crazy lady commenting twice and ruining my chances for these fabulous chocolate pieces?" okay i didn't really think that, but i think i'm funny, anyway.

no particular post is more memorable than another (i barely remember what i make for dinner from one day to the next). but i must say that you're inspiring. and i'm still not quite sure how you find all the time to do it.
Anonymous said…
posting twice in an attempt to win the soap. ;)
Me and Him said…
Happy Anniversary. I started reading your blog over a year ago, when you were pregnant with Sawyer. And I found you on a link from Lori's blog.

The boys flipping the sofa was a recent memorable post. And whenever Taylor smiles!
Amanda Jean said…
congrats on two years! I remember all the red gingham posts, especially the one where you redid your bedroom while you hubby was away. red gingham bias binding on your bedskirt, I believe. :)
Mama Said Sew said…
Happy Blogiversary Lera!

I've been reading your blog for a while now. I think my favorite post is "You know it's going to be a bad day when..." (Oct. 1, 2007). Remembering that particular post helps me keep things in perspective with my DS!

I seem to have missed the couch flipping post. Think I'll have to go find it. :)
Blondie said…
I think I found you this fall, and from what I can tell, I must have found you through Finny.

I love reading about your crafting, your family (we're working on a big family) and Maryland (we spent a couple years living on the PA/MD border, spent most of our time in MD). I know that's more info that you really needed to know- or wanted, likely- but that's why I read your blog.

Happy anniversary!
windycindy said…
Hello, I am glad to meet you and explore your crafty site. Your children are adorable! I found you on The Book Blogger's Diary site. What a fabulous giveaway. I love hand made goodies!!!!! Please enter me in your contest for the fabric zippered pouch and chocolate mint soap. Have a happy, healthy new year! Thanks,Cindi
Anonymous said…
Hi there!

I found you by doing a search on how to sew Kleenex pouches! You were so very helpful, and I've enjoyed reading about your crafts and family adventures!
Anonymous said…
Totally new to your blog (to be honest) but am already inspired and will add it to my Google reader! Which is how I found you, on the Prize-a-Tron blog, which was featuring your giveaway.
jessica said…
Congrats on two years!

I know I found your blog by following a comment you made on another blog, but I can't remember which one.

I remember most your posts about
Spenser's broken leg. My little guy is her same age and I remember thinking how difficult it must be!
ikkinlala said…
I haven't been reading for too long, but already I don't remember exactly how I found you. It was probably a Google blog search for something, but I don't know if it would have been sewing or crafts or some kind of recipe. Your most memorable post that I've read so far is the one about the karate Christmas ornaments - such a cute idea.
noreen said…
I just found you tonight from prizeatron but I will be back.
Anonymous said…
Happy Blogiversary!! I have just started reading your blog only last week! I found your blog through Craft Apple's blog (who I found through a friend's blog!). I hope to one day be crafty. I do not know how to do many crafty things, besides making books and knitting. I really love looking at all of the things you create, and your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing!
Katie Jean said…
Happy Anniversary Lera! I love "knowing" another Maryland blogger!! (we really should get together sometime!)

I clearly remember a post about a certain little boy having split his forhead open and you taking the time to blog about it! Then, only for me to have the same thing happen! Although, I'm sure I wasn't nearly as calm as you were!
I'm brand new here, by way of Prizeatron, so I haven't read anything yet, but let me say that I love the photo of this precious children - are they all yours? What treasures!
Anonymous said…
i think i found you through a comment you made - but i don't remember where - or when. hmmm.

i remember a post you did on your son's baptism. i remember thinking - good for her! except i probably wouldn't have put up the jumpsuit picure - aaron would kill me. :)

congrats, lera! here's to many more years!
nikko said…
Two years! Wow!

I found you from Sew Mama Sew when you won the free fabric and I clicked on your name and found your blog! At the time I was so excited about the SMS blog -- I was just barely discovering the whole crafty blog world and found it so inspiring.

I remember thinking when I read your blog the first time "this girl has GOT to be LDS." And you were! How fun.

You inspire me to do more sewing. I love seeing all your creative projects and also hearing about all the antics of your sweet children.

Anonymous said…
New here. I came through angela's prize-a-tron link. Your kids are darling (I have 5 myself), as is that shirt you whipped up and changed the sleeves. Did the YW comment on if they liked it or not?
Happy Bloggiversary!

I wouldn't expect you to send me anything all the way to Australia, but I do want to say that I love reading your blog. I can't even remember how I found it but I am glad I did. I enjoy reading about your life and your family very much :)
dodo said…
Found you through prizeatron when I saw this awesome giveaway. Looks great :)
Heidijayhawk said…
all of the stories surrounding spenser's broken leg just ripped my heart out. she was ever so sweet! i love that you have been blogging for two years and i can't wait for more to come!
Anonymous said…
Congrats! I love stopping by and reading your posts. I think I found you through Katie Jean, and right away I was impressed with all you do for all of your kids. I think I began reading right around the time you were trying to make matching Easter outfits?! When I am going through blogs, I always make a point to stop at yours!
Happy Blogiversary Lera! I can't remember how I found you. When you surf you just kinda go from link to link. I've enjoyed our emails and reading about your crafts and day to day stuff. I can't really say one stands out more than the other. I just find myself saying "I can't believe she has 6 kids and gets all this stuff done and a lot of the time she is on her own cause her husband is away for work. Lera you are amazing and truly an inspiration!
diana said…
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
I haven't been around too long but I found you through artsycraftsybabe!!

I really enjoy reading!!!!
Mary Sarah said…
Hi Lera! Happy Blogversary! I found your blog when I found Karyn's Trailmix blog. Love both! I'm not sure how long I've been visiting your blog ... several months. I love reading about your family and your crafts. I was most intrigued with the homemade soap entries. I've never tried it or made it and it sounds fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Happy Bananaversary! (that's what we say at my house) I haven't been reading your blog too long, and I don't know how I found you, you must have been linked from somewhere and looked so sweet that I immediately added you to my Bloglines subscriptions... I loved the smock for your littlest girl, and the cute pictures of her with her little pink cast. That girl is a real trooper!
Heide said…
Ugh, I was logged in with the wrong account when I just wished you a Happy Bananaversary. This is the real me this time! :)
Mrs. Unique said…
Happy Blogiversary! I have been visiting your blog since about Sept. I found you via a link on Craft Apple's blog. The most memorable post for me was your late night sewing noises. Haven't sewn late at night since!
Anonymous said…
Happy Second Blogobirthday,

I am a newbie to your blog, only since November, seems like longer since I read you with much regularity now. Thanks for all your great post and creativeness. My most memorable so far in the gift, making, especially the chocolate mint soap, which is why I hope you "pick me".
Bebemiqui said…
I just found you through Laura Williams Musings. I looked around at some of your posts and I think I'll have to visit more often :0)
Coralee said…
Happy anniversary! I am new to your blog....found you through artsy crafty babe. Loving what I'm seeing so far.
bison61 said…
I found you thru a goggle search-I do enjoy read about sewing and craft projects
phxbne said…
I just found you through prizeatron, but am going to read more right now.
Laura Hennessee said…
I love your blog. I found it searching for fun crafty stuff. I'm also a MD mom, but only two kids so far. I love that you've got a crowd at home. I grew up the oldest of seven, so I love big families! Your sewing is so inspirational!
Ginny said…
Happy Blogiversary! I haven't been around long, I actually found you from your handmade christmas post. Very cute stuff, really like your blog a lot!
Taryn said…
I love your Pay it Forward book exchanges! Thats how I found you :)
Anonymous said…
Happy 2 years, Lera! I'm so glad I happened upon your blog and then managed to follow you when you changed blog names! You have become such a good blogging friend over the past year and a half.

One of my favorite posts of yours was the things about you where I learned how to properly pronounce your nickname, your real name and that you spent a whole year decked out in black. :)

And I did so enjoy working on the Fat Quarter Challenge with you. Shall we do it again this spring?

Cheers, my friend!
Chara Michele said…
Happy Blogiversary!

Let's see, I am almost positive I found your blog through Karyn's blog one day. :)

I don't think I can pick a favorite post/story from your blog, but I can say that I love reading about your crafting, family life, and such. It is inspiring:)
Anonymous said…
Just found your blog recently...six children! Such fun! I'd love to be in the draw...
Stacey Moore said…
Congrats!! I found your site through Luara Wiliams Musings. Being a teacher, I think the school nurse tally is great!! I have a child in my year this that been about 50 times this year!! He asks to go about 4 times a day!!
Anonymous said…
2nd blogiversary--WOW! There are a lot of memorable things about your blog. Like: Spenser's leg, the ghost, and all of your crafting.
Anonymous said…
oh, i must say that the most memorable thing is your photo you know that i count the number of children almost each time? in awe and humility at the life that is yours...and a beautiful one you work to create.

so happy anniversary...
Anonymous said…
Hi! Happy Anniversary! I just found your site today. I was just looking through contests at PRIZE-A-TRON...and found you! Lovely!
Anonymous said…
Happy Blogaversary!

blogged ya:
Anonymous said…
Thanks to you I am now applicaying things on my children's clothes. Matthew has a sweatshirt with Cars fabric and one with dinosaur fabric. He has proudly worn both to school.

I love the stories about wacky things your husband does. It makes me laugh because my husband does some of the same things.
Berber said…
Happy bloggaversary, Lera!!

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