Things I Hate Shopping For

There are a few things I really, really hate shopping for. Bras. Let's not even go there again. Jeans. Ugh. I just want to know who doesn't loathe jean shopping.

I'm adding mascara to my list of "Things I Hate Shopping For." First, I should explain that I hate change in some things. I hate going to the store for a trusted, beloved item, only to discover that it has been discontinued or the store no longer carries such item. This happened recently when I went to buy new mascara. I left the house knowing I needed mascara and knew it was "2,000 Calorie," but I couldn't remember the manufacturer. After scouring the makeup department for a long time, I decided I just needed to move on and find a new brand. I spent over 20 minutes studying mascara. 20 minutes. With Sawyer in the shopping cart.

Why so long, you ask? Because there are numberless variations of mascara. Waterproof or washable? Curved or straight brush? Lengthening or thickening? Um ... yes, please. I studied mascara and tried to weigh the pros and cons of each one. I was overwhelmed. All I really wanted was my trusted "2,000 Calorie."

Well, I finally settled on one and I don't like it. As a person with blond eyelashes, I need mascara. I think it's the one item I cannot live without.

(After a little research, I realized that Max Factor no longer sells cosmetics in the United States.)

The other top-ranking thing I hate shopping for is pantyhose. Tell me if you don't hate it, too.

A few months ago I had another "official, town council" funeral to attend. This funeral was for the sudden, unexpected, tragic death of the husband of a town employee. On my way into drop Spenser off at preschool, I was talking to a fellow council member about the funeral. She stated she needed some black hose and didn't have time to pick them up. I offered to help her out since I was in town anyway. And then I decided I'd buy myself a pair, just in case I didn't have any.

Holy moly. I think I spent 15 minutes perusing the pantyhose aisle. If I were a man, I might have been called a pervert or something. Black? Off-black???? Reinforced or sheer toe? Control-top or sheer panty? Once I figured out the criteria for the hose, I had to find black hose with the reinforced toe in a control-top in size B (or Q or whatever). It's not as easy as you'd think. I think I picked up the off-black three times in a row. I finally found black hose for us and I vow to never buy hose again.

So, please tell me, what do you hate shopping for? There must be something.


lisa said…
I am surprised to hear that they are cancelling out the Max Factor brand. I see that P&G are keeping Cover Girl. I would try to find a mascara in that brand. Usually when a company changes names or looks, it’s because they already carry the product in the other name. The Cover Girl Professional looked like a good one. Even though I worked in the cosmetic section of a drug store (when only means that I had to put up product, not know how to put on said product), I can’t really recommend one because I can’t wear mascara. It makes my eyes water.

What do I not hate to shop for would be a better question for me. I can hardly ever find what I’m looking for and usually don’t have time to look anyway.
Kelly said…
Cars. I know it doesn't happen nearly as frequently as most other stuff, but that's what I hate shopping for (and that's what I'm currently doing).

Also, I don't like shopping for shoes. Why do all the dress shoes have to have 4 inch heels? Why does everything look cuter in a size 5 (rather than my 9)?

I don't have a problem with pantyhose, but maybe that's just because I buy them more often and know exactly what I want. But I totally agree with you on jeans, bras, and mascara. (And recently discovered that a beauty product I use no longer exists - argh!)

This might be my first time commenting here - if so, hello! Longtime reader....
nikki said…
Bathing suits! When I've looked just recently, I can only find teenage or old lady suits! Nothing in between!
Anonymous said…
I've tried the 2000 Calorie mascara - I think i still have it but, it's old by now. I've found one I love but, you don't want to know how much it cost ;( It's by Yves St. Laurent and somebody blogged about it back at Christmas time. Volume Effet Faux Cils - even smells good.
MoonDog said…
I hate shoe shopping. my feet are big and nothing ever fits. I can spend hours looking for a plain old pair of tennies that FIT RIGHT. I will wear them until they are WORN RIGHT OUT because I dread another trip to buy another pair.
Marty said…
I'm with you on the mascara! I have been using the same Maybelline mascara for years, and when I went to get a new one, I found it and started using it, feeling very lucky. No such luck! Since I bought the last one they reformulated it and added cornstarch. I am very allergic to corn and my eyes itched like mad. Of course I had thrown the package away, so back to Walmart I go and there I stood in the makeup aisle muttering, "cornstarch!" Fellow shoppers must have thought I was nuts.
laeroport said…
I'm with you on bras. Add to that swimsuits.
MJ said…
Shoes! I must be the only female on the planet who hates shopping for shoes but it's a fact. In the store they look and feel great and at home they are never the same. I live in the UK, I can check for you if they have yuor mascara here if you like!
Kathy said…
Bras and swimsuits for sure! I *hate* trying on clothing at the store.

My favorite mascara is L'Oreal Voluminous. I have it in both waterproof and non-waterproof. It doesn't flake off and it's easy to wash off. I have nearly invisible eyelashes as well and this mascara makes them look awesome!
craftyclaire said…
If you like I'll see if I can get you your 2000 calories Max Factor mascara in Britain! Do you want it in black? just email me our address, and I'll post one to you! clairenoake at
hooli said…
bathing suits at costco that are on those huge plastic forms. i feel conspicuous like... oh let's see, this huge plastic thing looks like it might fit me. All the while I'm hoping I don't see anyone I know and my two boys are poking dents in the plastic boobs of the plastic form.
Then when I get it home it usually does not fit -- for same reason bras don't fit. It's awful. I hate swimsuits. And also, underwear. It's impossible to shop for underwear.
FinnyKnits said…
When it comes to actually going INTO a store to shop for something, then I hate to shop for EVERYTHING.

I'm afraid I've become a nearly online-only shopper and therefore spoiled by the convenience, selection and comparison shopping ability not available when taking myself to a specific store for a thing.

That said, if I never have to go into a bridal salon to shop for a bridesmaid dress and those awful "matching" shoes again, I'll be 100% satisfied with my life. LOATHE.
Oooh that happened to me with concealor (my one and one MUST have daily item!) Last month and I am still upset about it! All my othet make-up, including mascara, I get from ELF. Just about everything regular is only $1 (I love love my $1 mascara!). And their mineral makeup (that they sell on tv for $$$ is like $5 or so. Honestly the only thing I don't care for is their under eye concealor (I have naturally dark circles under my eyes even on my best days. Its awesome!).

As far as what I dislike shopping for...bras and undies. The worst thing about underwear is the gamble. You can't try them on. Bur they are all made so differently. Some too tight, some too high waist, some too low leg, some don't fully cover my tush. Its like Goldilocks of the underwear aisle for me. And then of course once I finally wash, wear and determine I've finally found the winning pair, I can never find more. Argh!!
Katie said…
I have recently lost 3 items I use on a daily basis! At first I thought it was just the store not carrying it anymore but I can't find it anywhere!! It's my Dove face lotion, my heat memory spray for my hair and a specific scent of shaving cream! I have spent too much time in the beauty dept and still can't find anything that compares to these products! So that is what I hate shopping for favorite stuff that gets discontinued!! (oh and shoes, I have size 11 and I'm 6', so there are only shoes with very high heels!!)
Sandy said…
I HATE to shop for bras seems like I change sizes a little each time. LOL, either that or I can't find the exact style that really, really fit me last time. The horrors of being a woman!
Kris said…
I don't like shopping at all. And the mascara thing is such a challenge (how could there possibly be that many different kinds?) I just don't wear it.
Amanda Jean said…
i hate grocery shopping with all the kids in tow. guess what i did today?

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