The Week in Review

We attended a war memorial park dedication on Sunday after church. It is in our neighboring town. Joe's father (a two-time Vietnam veteran) and Joe's maternal grandfather (also a veteran) participated in the ceremony.

My boys made front page of the paper on Monday.

And so did my father-in-law, Ed (middle back).

On Monday morning we attended perhaps the longest and hottest (and most humid and sweatiest and ...) Memorial Day parade in the town I grew up. I think this is almost my favorite parade of all time. Lots of patriotic music and bands and boy/cub scouts and veterans.

One army jeep broke down right in front of us. The jeep in front of it tried to pull it up Main Street with a rope, but it wasn't working. A bunch of men (including one of my brothers) jumped in and pushed the jeep up the hill into the library parking lot.

My town's fireman's carnival is this week. While we never go to it until Thursday night, we decided to mix things up (and try to keep our sanity and prevented the "when can we go to the carnival?????" nightly pestering) and went Monday night.

Mason (7) and Jackson (9) are tall enough to ride the "big-people" rides all by themselves. Yikes! When did that happen? I can barely look at that ride without feeling all morning-sick-like and I'm not even pregnant.

And Wednesday was our parade. Just like last year, the town council rode in the parade. I had a big bag of candy that I was saving for my end of the street. Many of my nieces and nephews were there with my kids. Plus all the neighbor kids. I had so much candy, I had to stand up to dump the bag in the street. And then I accidentally let go of the bag. Oops.

Yesterday was Play Day at school. Mason and Carter both ran the half-mile. This is Carter crossing the finish line. It was smoldering hot (and humid) by the time he ran in the afternoon. Poor guy. I cheered him on every lap.

Poor little Jackson was supposed to go to Play Day, but he awoke in the middle of the night with a stomach bug. Not only did he miss his beloved Play Day, he broke his perfect attendance record for the school year. With only six days left ...

And this very morning my lovely little Spenser graduated from preschool. I'm sad to say that next year she will be entering the world of kindergarten. And I'm so going to miss that girl. (But, on the other hand, I will only have one at home next year. One. I can't comprehend what that will even be like.)


nikki said…
Busy week! That pic is adorable of Buddy and Girl!
Kris said…
Sounds like a busy week!
TraceyD said…
Great pictures! Love the last one. I just wanted to say I love your blog.
nikko said…
What great pictures! You have had quite the week. I can't believe Spenser will be in Kindergarten! Wow!
lisa said…
The parade looks like fun. I don't even think our town has one. :(
Diane said…
Looks like lots of fun - sans that humidity! The last pic is adorable!
FinnyKnits said…
You guys really do up Memorial Day all proper like. I love it!

And those carnival rides, too. Oh, I miss Fair Days. Though I do NOT miss that heat. Yeek.

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