More PJ's
I found a new love: PJ bottoms. Made from the same pattern as last time, but I used a ribbon as the drawstring so I wouldn't have to turn that narrow little thing. (Although Lindiepindie from Craft Apple made an excellent suggestion on my sewing blog about sewing the drawstring. Instead of turning it, cut fabric wider, press in half, fold in raw edges, press, and topstitch all around. I feel so dumb because that is how I make my bag handles!!!)
This fabric, again, was on clearance at Jo-Ann for $1.20 a yard. It is pink with black, pink, and white stripes. The stripes are actually sewn on, not printed, so there is a bit of texture. Even at capri length, it took a little more than 2 yards. (I know because I bought 2 yards on Friday night, laid out the pattern on Saturday morning and didn't have enough, so I headed back on Saturday to buy more.)
And the little basket in the picture is one I found yard saling this weekend. I forgot to take it's picture before. I just love baskets (and I'm sure Joe would say I have enough).
I am taking the boys to see Zathura this morning for the free movie. Nikki (and Anna) and Christy (and her four kids) are supposed to meet us there. And maybe a few more people.
We have theaters that do promos like that, but charge a few bucks.
I did plan on taking the boys to those this summer, but the plans got derailed. Oh well.