A Spring Walk

We live in a small town. I always thought I was a big-city gal (in my all-black, punk days), but now that I'm a mom, I'm definitely all about small towns. We don't have mail delivery to our house, so we have to pick up our mail at the post office. On days I don't have to go anywhere, I usually don't check the mail. It usually equates to only checking the mail about 3 times a week. Pretty pathetic. Even more so because we only live a few blocks from the post office.

Yesterday was so nice, I decided to take the children out for a walk. Apparently Spenser was excited, because she got all dressed up for the occasion. A crown, a smocket, and a purse. She even pushed her favorite baby in her shopping cart.

When the sidewalk changed from brick to cement, she carried her shopping cart over the hump.

We passed the local fire station and peeked at the trucks. The children never grow weary of the fire engines.We even had a good mail day! Karyn sent some Cadbury Popping Mini Eggs (chocolate eggs with Pop Rocks inside) and some buttons. She truly spoils me. These eggs are apparently only available in Canada. She held a giveaway and I didn't win. But, she sent me some anyway. And can you read the note? It says, "Now you can stop whining." I wasn't whining. Was I?!?
So, having my camera with me, it was only fitting that we opened the eggs before we headed home from the post office. Mason is still trying to figure out why his throat is continuing to pop and crackle after the candy is gone. We stood there listening to each other's mouths. (I'm pretty sure some people thought we were nuts.)


Karyn said…
What great photos Lera!! You sure have beautiful children!! I'm glad you like the popping eggs, have you stopped whining yet???? ;)
Sounds like a good day!
Anonymous said…
love that first photo - i love pictures (and walks) like that!
laura capello said…
okay, let me get this straight: pop rockes inbedded in chocolate, coated with a candy shell?

where was that when i was a kid?!
Katie Jean said…
haha I love that note! I'm cracking up over here. Isn't it nice to have warm weather for walks like those? I'm just writing a post about those eggs now!
Anonymous said…
Rachael sent us some popping chocolate elves at Christmas time. We did the same thing - listening to each other's mouths popping - although we did it in our living room, so no one looked at us funny.

And small towns rock. Although we live in a pretty big town I wouldn't mind moving somewhere more rural.
Sonja said…
I'm pretty sure listening to each others' mouths pop is a requirement when eating something that pops. :)
Heidijayhawk said…
such a sweet blog! i will have to add it to my list! love the sweet kiddos! the smocket was one of my favs as well.
Anonymous said…
LOL what a lovely walk.
Sarah and Jack said…
LOL, the look on his face is priceless.
Joanna said…
Why am I having a hard time imagining you as a punk? Hmmm. Sounds like a lovely walk. I need a crown and a smocket.
Amanda Jean said…
this was a great post! It reminded me of when I used to live in a little town and had to pick my mail up at the p.o. box 2 blocks away. When I had my first little one it was a great excuse to pack him in the stroller and get out for a walk. We didn't get our mail everyday, either. So don't feel bad...:)
Anonymous said…
Isn't it funny how the draw of the "big city life" wanes as we grow older and have children? Your children, by the way, are adorable.
African Kelli said…
hee hee! This post cracks me up! And chalk one up to whining!! :)

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