Scrappy Christmas Ornaments

I've been slacking on Advent lately. How did it become the 10th of the month already? My kids are always excited in the evening when it's time to look in the stockings. And, honestly (as much as I'd hate to publicly admit this), if they don't remember, I don't always remind them. Our evenings have been so full and busy with baths, showers, Family Home Evening, family movie night, karate, brithday parties, and scouts, that a little breather is nice once in a while. Now, I still attempt to do something for Advent, I just don't always follow through. Last night I made soft pretzels while Joe had the big boys at karate and it was a nice treat when they came home.

Tonight they are receiving ornaments. I kind of started a "tradition" two years ago with handmade ornaments and did it again the following year and decided it was a good thing to do with my time this year as well.

These little ornaments are made from torn strips of fabric, sewn wrong sides together. There is a layer of wool felt in the center, and

the backs have an appliqued initial of the child it belongs to so there will be less quarreling over which ornament belongs to whom. (At least I hope.)


those are really cute. I like the rustic, scrappy edges. totally my style.
thanks for sharing them.
the initial idea is smart too.
Jane said…
These are terrific! What a great tradition!
Hi again...
just wanted to let you know that I tried some of these ornaments today. thanks for inspiring me to try something new.
you can see mine at:
Amanda Jean said…
they are cute!!! I have to label everything to keep the fighting and arguing at a minimum.

I had forgotten about the karate's so fun to look back at previous years.
Lisa said…
I did a similar advent garland this year too. I posted about it last week. Mine is felt, not flannel. We've been doing it first thing in the morning and really enjoying it.
V and Co. said…
i love them!
Karyn said…
Those are so cute! I want to make the photo bigger so I can see them closer, but I can't!
Those are adorable- love that idea!!

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