The Drops

On Sunday night I noticed a bloody scab in Spenser's ear after her bath. I extracted it with the tip of my pinky nail and saw there was more. Joe flushed out her ear and the next morning it was bloody again.

I called the doctor on Monday because her eardrum ruptured almost two years ago. The doctor thinks the eardrum is fine but saw a bump in her ear. She said it could be a pimple or a cyst that ruptured and thought an antibiotic ear drop would help for now.

On both Sunday and Monday nights, Sawyer slept terribly. He kept saying "boo-boo," but wouldn't tell us where. Finally in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday, he held his ear. So, on Tuesday morning we were back in the doctor's office. His ears looked fine, but he had pink eye (which he woke up with on Tuesday).

Now I have to remember which drops goes in whose whatever.

And guess who has pink eye now? Me. Yep. But I got it innocently. I mean, how can you not cuddle and snuggle with this:

Be still my heart.


Erin said…
Oh bless his heart!

I don't even try not to get sick when my kids are. I mean I do, I wash my hands extra and all. But seriously I don't even ask myself not to cuddle them. Sometimes mommy kisses really are the only thing that can give comfort, who am I to deny them.

nikko said…
I agree with Erin. My hubby is always trying to get the kids not to touch him when he or they are sick, but I think that's just wrong! ;o)

Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Here's hoping that the 3 of you are better soon!
Anonymous said…
Your little guy is so sweet! I hope everyone is well soon.
Karyn said…
And be still MY heart! Love that boy!

I hope you're all feeling better long before Santa arrives.
misschris said…
You poor three and your drops!!! Surely they will help you heal up quickly.

(and yes, I'd be snuggling him too... ) xoxo
Jessica said…
Oh, I hope you all are feeling better soon! Pink Eye rant rampant through our house two years back (my husband even took it to work with him, by accident). I feel for you. I'll be sending you good feel better vibes! (oh, and I hug and snuggle my kids when they are sick too. How could you not????) :)
Amanda Jean said…
he's THE CUTEST!!!! I wouldn't be able to resist snuggling him, either.

hope you all heal up soon!!!
African Kelli said…
Oh Lera -- you really are such an amazing mom. I hope I have an ounce of your grace when my turn comes around.
Thinking of you and sending lots of warm wishes and healthy vibes your way!
Me and Him said…
Oh I hope they both feel much better. You too.
Stacey said…
That stinks...hope you guys are much better and it does not move around the family like wild fire! :) Don't you hate that!
Jack said…
Oh boy, I feel your pain! We just went through this and it plain old sucks (excuse the language but it really is the only appropriate word! LOL!). Good luck; I'm thinking of you!!!
amy smart said…
Oh, pink-eye is the pits. Best wishes to all of you and may the right drops go in the right orifice.
Kris said…
That is so cute!

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