Last Chance Thrifting

I wanted to express my thanks to you for your kind comments yesterday. If I had your email address, I tried to email you directly. If not, "thank you." I truly appreciate your kindness and am grateful for your comments.

The first time I whispered "I'm so happy you're here. I'm so happy you're here," to Sawyer yesterday, I broke down in tears. I could barely repeat it. It became easier as the day went on.

* * *
Last Thursday I had some extra time in town while Mason was in preschool, so I decided to run into the thrift store. I didn't find a lot. A few books for the children, a teacup, a granny-square throw, and a Robin costume for the boys. I was disheartened when the linens section had been downsized to one small rack. When I questioned the cashier, she said they have a "last chance" section of the store and to check there. (Who knew???)

I didn't have time on Thursday, but after the Pinewood Derby on Saturday, I ran in while Joe sat in the car with the children. (Yay for thrifting without children!)

Here are a few of my treasures:

2 aprons: 95 cents each

2 curtain panels: 95 cents each (the yellow is a large, heavy cotton panel from Ikea, the white has a nice embroidered edge by Martha Stewart -- I'm thinking about a dress or skirt for Spenser.)
top left corner: 2 pillowcases (set), a Simply Shabby Chic cotton shower curtain
bottom left: 1 percale pillowcase, 1 vintage sheet
95 cents each
and my favorites:
chenille blanket: 95 cents

chenille blanket: 95 cents

I love the little boy chenille blanket. And I love the price. I never knew about the "last chance" section. I'm definitely going to stop there more often. Do you have a "last chance" section?


Karyn said…
Look at all your great finds!!!! I LOVE those chenille blankets, what a find!
Anonymous said…
95¢? 95¢! That's nuts! What terrific stuff. I wish we had a last chance section.
Anonymous said…
seriously, that is amazing stuff! i don't think we have last chance sections. who knew?

(that white/blue = skirt for spenser! so cute!)
Katie Jean said…
hmm.. now i'm wondering if we have a last chance section ,and I just got back from my thrift store! You certainly found a lot of great things for 95 cents!
laura capello said…
holy crap, those blankets are even better than i envisioned.
Anonymous said…
Holy crap!!! You scored big time, the granny squares, the chenile, i dont know what I should comment on first...lucky you!!!
christy said…
yep i would definitely use that to make spenser a dress. it's just in time for easter.
Anonymous said…
I don't think our local thrift has a last chance section. But those are great finds all of those fabrics look like are in great condition.
African Kelli said…
You have SUCH a great eye Lera. :) Nice work!
Sarah and Jack said…
Wow! 95 cents on the children's chenilles is awesome. I have only ever found one of those. (Plenty of the grownup ones though!)
beki said…
Girl, you had a haul! I'm loving those pink floral pillowcases!!

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