A New Spring Outfit

On Monday I worked on a new little spring outfit for Sawyer. I had wanted to make him pants with this fabric, but pushed it so far back on my to-do list that it was all but forgotten. When the fabric fell on the floor the other day, it was a sign. I knew it was time.

I appliqued an elephant on the front of the onesie. I'm not too thrilled with his ear or tail. However, I did a perfect french knot for his eye. I don't think I've done a french knot in many years. So long ago, in fact, I even needed to look up the directions, first.

My parents say he looks Jamaican in his outfit. I was afraid he would look like a circus clown. (Do you think he will hate me one day for this outfit?)

Anyway, last night while I was straightening up, he was jumping in his seat. When he started to cry, I assumed it was because he couldn't see me. When I picked him up, this is what I saw ... and smelled:

It was the very first time he wore it! Luckily, I think I got most of it out.

And while the boys played outside yesterday after school, Carter wrote (or "rote") a song for Spenser. There is an "h" on "much," it was cropped when I scanned it this morning. What a sweet guy!

Last week the children were playing in the snow, having a snow day, and drinking hot chocolate. This week they are jumping on the trampoline, playing in their tree fort, riding bikes, and eating popsicles. And a few more daffodils are blooming.


Anonymous said…
That pic is soo cute! Love the smile too.
Anonymous said…
yes, he will probably hate this picture when he's older - but HIS kids will love it. the whole fashion-cycle thing.

and what a sweet song!
beki said…
Man, you've got to hate those explosive poops! That outfit is awfully adorable ;-) And that song? So sweet!!
laura capello said…
lera? i'm eating breakfast here.
Katie Jean said…
I love that little outfit. It's so cute. Too bad about the poop. I think I have a similar picture that I emailed to my husband on a particular trying day! And what a sweet song, they'll love looking back at that one day.
Anonymous said…
Murphy's law of babies - they will have a blow out the first time they wear any cute outfit.

And I don't think Carter could be any sweeter.

Enjoy those popsicles!
Anonymous said…
My kiddos pooped up their back like that too! ALL THE TIME! One time it went all the way up to the neck line!

I think his elephant outfit it cute! I don't think it matters WHAT we dress them in. It'll look out of style when their 14 and they won't like anyway! Staring at that poop up the back picture, I can almost smell the breastmilk poop!
Anonymous said…
The outfit is really cute! Yucky diaper, not so much. :P
Love the sweet song.
Karyn said…
How sweet is that "song"??????? LOVE IT!!!
Me and Him said…
I wish someone would write a song for me.
Ellia said…
It's nice spring outfit... I have yellow/green combination outfit for spring summer time...

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