Never Boring Here

This morning (before school) Jack ran into the corner ceramic tile of our kitchen island and cut his head:

I'm on the way to the ER to see if it needs stitches. (I called our doctors' office and they are short-staffed today and told me to take him to the hospital. I guess I'll be back several hours from now.) And if you're wondering why I'm blogging and not driving to the hospital it's because my mother-in-law said she'd stay with Spenser, Mason and Taylor (who is home sick from school today) while I run Jack (and Sawyer) in town. And now her phone is busy.

What a way to start a Monday morning!


Anonymous said…
OOOOHHHH that is terrible. Hope the little guy is OK.
Katie Jean said…
oooh my! That is not a fun monday morning! Hope he's ok.
Anonymous said…
That made my stomach lurch! I hope he's okay. And I hope you are too.
beki said…
OUCH! Seeing that made me gasp!! I hope it all turns out okay.
Anonymous said…
okay, once thomas pushed monkey into the faucet in the tub (still wincing) and his forehead looked a lot like that. the dr's office put this gluey stuff on it instead of stitches. they said that forehead cuts are the perfect place to use that stuff, so hopefully you'll go without the stitches, too!
good luck!
Me and Him said…
ouch. Hope all is well.
laura capello said…
that's gonna be one bad ass scare.

it's really gonna help him get the ladies in a few years.

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