My Humpty-Dumpty - An Update

Apparently glue works when kids break.

I wish I would have known that earlier. Say ten years ago ...

Jack did not have to get stitches this morning. The doctor put dermabond (glue) on his forehead instead of stitches. Jack was happy. I was happy.

The doctor "spiked" Jack's hair to keep it out of the way. Jack always wants his hair spiked.

And even though they said it would sting (the numbing agent and the dermabond), Jack was a trooper. The nurses were so impressed that they gave him a bunch of stickers and a Project Linus blanket.

After a quick trip to the pharmacy, and then to Walmart while waiting the hour for his antibiotics to be ready, where we bought a Lunchable, Jack declared it was the best day of his life. So when he asked if we could stop and buy a milkshake, I just had to oblige. I couldn't spoil the best day ever.

(This morning before we left for the hospital, Jack pleaded with me to go to school because he was supposed to be the Line Leader today and they were getting a new student that he has been wanting to meet. Even with blood running down his face, he wanted to go to school.)


Anonymous said…
Never a dull moment over there...
glad he's doing better!
Karyn said…
Ohhh!!!! How sweet is that, "the best day of my life"!!!! I think you should have bought him TWO milkshakes. What a little trooper.
Anonymous said…
That Jack is one tough cookie. Thank goodness today turned into the best day of his life!
FinnyKnits said…
Hysterical! A slice in the forehead and still wants to go be Line Leader. I remember having such priorities. He really sounds like a good kid.

And, how awesome are you for obliging him on his "best day ever"?! Good for you, super mom!
Anonymous said…
I got dermabond last week too!!!! So glad Jack didn't have to get stitches!! Cool hairdo!!
Lauren said…
Wow. Glue. That is cool.
Me and Him said…
Glad to see he's okay. He actually looks happy with his souvenir.

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