Spring is in the Air

Spring is springing!

After our snow melted, I noticed the snowdrops in bloom.
And a daffodil peeking out.
And my new spring bag in Amy Butler fabric is finished. (If you sew it, spring will come.)
And another bag because bag #1 didn't turn out too hot.
It's supposed to be 70 degrees today! Hope your day has some spring in it.


Anonymous said…
cute bags! they're a very interesting shape.
Karyn said…
70 degrees?????? You lucky thing.
I like the bags too :)
beki said…
What? The pink bag didn't turn out well? You can't tell from the photos - both bags look great!
Amen to spring! I'm so glad that it's here!!!
Anonymous said…
yeah, i'll take that bag that 'didn't turn out well'! :)
that is a very cool pattern - where did you find it?

we have warm weather here, too - all the windows were open most of the day yesterday!
laura capello said…
i'm so jealous of your snow drops. i planted a bunch of them one year and they came up that next spring. the following year only one or two came up and now we only get some of the leaves, no snow drops.

damn martha stewart bulbs.
Katie Jean said…
I'm excited about it being spring in Maryland too! Im going to enjoy today because it looks like this weekend won't be as nice. Those bags look great too.
Anonymous said…
I'm wondering what you thought of the pattern? I have it and haven't decided whether or not to try it. Is the size something that is practical for a mom? They are so cute! But the last thing I need is a bag I won't use.

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