Recent Thrifty Finds

Two recent thrift finds from the Swap Shop. A carafe. Love the colors. I can imagine orange juice in it right now.

And a small, children's wooden desk.

Both were absolutely free.


Anonymous said…
cute! and free is always good. ;-)
beki said…
We have a desk just like that. You can't beat free, that's for sure.
laura capello said…
woman! what are you doing going out with ::counting:: six kids?

free? awesome!
Anonymous said…
Free?! You're kidding. I LOVE that school desk!
Anonymous said…
you find the best stuff - at the BEST price!
Anonymous said…
SO much has happened since I've been gone!

1. I'm glad you are feeling better.
2. Happy 3 weeks to Sawyer!
3. Happy birthday to you!
4. Happy birthday to Joe!
5. Nice bargain hunting!
Anonymous said…
What is a swap shop? You get things for FREE?? I really like that old desk. It reminds me of the one you commented on. If I could get a couple more, I'd be set!
Anonymous said…
seriously, free is good - and i need a swap shop! i need it!

the last post was cute, too - there's nothing like trix yogurt in bed! :)

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