I Finished What I Had

After reading about Finish What You Have month, I thought, "I don't have any unfinished projects." Ha ha ha. I think I had just "forgotten" about my unfinished projects.

I remembered a little baby kimono I started working on for Spenser before I went on bedrest. I pulled it out yesterday and finished it!

I'm not sure if it will fit her anymore, so I decided to hang it up in her room. It is pink flannel, lined with some pink lining stuff (not the real silky kind, I forget what Christy called it), and has a green vintage button closure.

Sewn from this pattern:

Then, oh my goodness, I totally forgot about this thing. It's a little fabric book. It had been washed and cut for, let's say, maybe 5 years ... In fact, the pellon that I used on the inside still had the tag on it, and I'm pretty sure I bought the book pattern before then! (See below)

Yes, that does say 10/16/01 !

Then I mended a few things. Spenser has two baby-doll strollers. One from her birthday, which she sat in and tore. And one from the Easter Bunny, which she sat in and tore.

Then I mended a boy's winter camo shirt. And a boy's church tie. And a little summer outfit of Spenser's from last year. (I had planned on giving it to my niece, but I don't think it will be big enough for her.) I think I may have another thing or two to mend, too.

And I started piddling around with ideas I've had for years, thinking "this is the month to do it!" Including making one (or more) "bandana ties" from Martha Stewarts Kids magazine (summer 2003, page 30). Then I saw cute little girl things to be made with bandanas (I didn't have a girl when I originally bought the magazine.) But instead, I cut out fabric to make myself another headband out of a bandana.

And then Spenser woke up. So I guess I now have another "unfinished project" lurking on my dining room table.

I also realized that I need to make a few more (hopefully only a few!!!) changes to a DVD slideshow I made for my grandmother's 92nd birthday last year. I need to change a few of the songs around. So I'm hoping this is the month! (She loves it regardless.)

So I feel so much better that some of these projects are being finished. I feel I really got a lot accomplished in such a short time...

Finish What You Have ... great idea!


laura capello said…
I need to learn to start with what I have... then I can finish! :-)

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