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Cuddly More!

Every morning Spenser wakes with crazy hair. Joe had dubbed her "Dudley Moore" (remember the Friends episode when Phoebe cut Monica's hair like Dudley Moore, instead of Demi Moore?), and we laughed about it every day. However, she is so cuddly in the morning, we decided to name her "Cuddly More." Even when we ask her if she is "Cuddly More," she shakes her head yes.

So here she is:

And, hopefully, the final report on the mystery sound in my A/C vent:

When Joe came home from church yesterday, I told him again of the scary noises being emitted from the ducts. He went to the basement to investigate. He found two birds in the basement, so he opened one of the outside doors to let them escape.

He thinks they were trying to get out of the basement window right below the one family room vent and were banging against it (not in it). He checked last night and the birds are gone, so I will see if the sound returns.

I'm so glad he found the birds and not me! When I was very pregnant with Spenser, I went into the basement and a pigeon flew over my head! I thought I would surely give birth on the basement floor I was so terrified. My father-in-law (who came to remove the pigeon) tried to say the bird was more afraid than I ... but he didn't see me!!!


Anonymous said…
Cuddly Moore! HA! Tooooo cute as is she!
African Kelli said…
Yay! So glad you figured it out. And that baby girl of yours has one cute head of hair!
laura capello said…
I'm sorry, where's the photo of Spencer? I only saw the photos of Dudley...

Once we had a bird in my basement and one of the cats caught it. I was pregnant with Griff at the time and I was screaming to the cat to not kill the bird. I called my husband at work completely freaking out... what a day.
Anonymous said…
iDo you not own a brush?
Anonymous said…
cutie spencer!
glad they were just birds and not something worse like...a rat! i was worried you had a rat on your hands!

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