Busy, busy, busy

Yesterday I took the boys to school so they could meet their teachers and find their classroom. School starts bright and early Monday morning, you know. And I'm trying really hard not to smile.

So we met the teachers. One teacher looks to be about 18 years old. Nice and friendly. But young. One teacher we've had before and we like her. However, she misspelled our last name on everything. One teacher barely acknowledged we (especially my son) were in the room. (I'm going to have to keep my eye on her this year.) She did not seem friendly and I was not impressed. One teacher was very friendly. There are other teachers that the boys will have for different subjects. All three of them are ones we've had before, so I'm happy about that.

One teacher was my third-grade teacher. And I loved her. I'm so happy that Carter will have her for one subject this year because the rest of the time he will be with Ms. Unfriendly-Unacknowledging teacher, who worked on the bulletin board the entire time we were in her classroom.

Two of Taylor's teachers are teachers who moved up from lower grade levels and he's had them both before. So I'm pleased.

Not only do you get to meet the teachers, the kids can play "games" and get free snacks. We all enjoyed a snowball, even Sawyer (in his clear, vinyl bib that folds up perfectly in my tote).

And most of the children ate hot dogs and/or chips and drank lemonade.
I guess the boys couldn't get enough of school yesterday because last night they were playing school. I found this note on a bedroom door last night before bedtime.
And, I finished 15 of the 16 pencil rolls. I ran out of flannel for the middle layer. That's okay though because my sister never RSVP'ed, so I'm assuming she's not coming. I have more time to finish the last one now.

Mason's birthday party is 11:00 this morning. I still have muffins to make...

(And for those inquiring about the fabric, it came from Ikea.)


Anonymous said…
so i guess i've never picked up on this before, but you're army, yet you live where you grew up? how does that work?
Lora said…
OOO I wanna go to Ikea now!
Karyn said…
I hope the party was a huge success!!!

The pencil rolls look amazing!

Have a super weekend!
nikko said…
We have school on Monday, too!

Hey, I didn't see that cute fabric at IKEA! No fair!
Sarah and Jack said…
Oh IKEA, how I miss you.

I feel like I haven't wished Mason a hapde burfday. If not, HAPDE BURFDAY!
Emily said…
I'm sorry I was busy yesterday, also and did not have time to get on my computer until now. I got everyone up and going Thursday morning, met with Olivia's day care provider, came home to feed Mamma and help her to bed, bought 2 new carseats, took both boys for physicals in Owings Mills, picked up dinner, fed kids in car, got christopher off to football, took care of Mamma, took Ian to back to school night, Olivia to in laws in between, pick Olivia up, Mamma again, clean my kitchen and Mamma's, Christopher home from football,clean up after kids again, kids to bed, and me in bed. I guess it just slipped my mind,. So we will not be there.
Anonymous said…
ooh! The party must be in full swing by now! Hope you survive the party. And how fun that Carter will have your old teacher. My 3rd grade teacher was awesome as well. But she retired about 15 years ago. Ah well.

Enjoy your weekend!
Anonymous said…
Hope he had a great party!

And that baby with the blue lips. I could eat him up, he's so cute.
dig this chick said…
You are so busy! What are the ages of your kiddos? The boys look to be so close in age in your header photo...pencil rolls are perfect!
Katie Jean said…
I hope you had a great party!!

and I thought that fabric was from IKEA. I saw it last time I was there!
Me and Him said…
Hope the party went well, and the pencil rolls were a hit. I didn't realise Sawyers' hair was so blond.
laura capello said…

and i heart the blue lips.
Heidijayhawk said…
the pencil rolls, blue lips, boys back in school, brithday party...you have a full life lady! gotta love it all!
Anonymous said…
Those pencil rolls look great! Good luck with the party!
Amanda Jean said…
love the note on the bedroom door. so precious!

(I used to have that stroller.)
Chara Michele said…
Such great pencil rolls!

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