I have a bunch of WIPs (Works in Progress). In fact, I have so many, it warranted a container purchase to store them all. It's not a giant container, but it is a little overwhelming at times. I don't know why I keep starting new projects when I have older ones waiting to be finished. I even think I've heard, "Lera, finish me, pleeeeeeeeeease," coming from the box.

Some projects are older. Like the brown corduroy pants I started after Sawyer was born. I started them in October. And they didn't fit. So I left them. Unfinished. I think it's high time to finish them. Or I could put it off until the weather is a little cooler ... (It's a slippery slope, I tell ya.)

And the Strawberry Shortcake backpack I started for Spenser during a snow storm. Yep. Still waiting, too.

And the pile of totes (one from leftover fabric of my black and white skirt and bib). And the shirt (I don't think I ever blogged I was making that one. Does it still count?). And the short-sleeved jacket. And the monster trees waiting to me made into something. And the shirts to be appliqued. And all the mending. Or at least some of the mending.

I think the oldest WIP is the pants, although I could be wrong. They've been waiting almost a year. How about you? How old is your oldest WIP?


Anonymous said…
Well, let's see. How old is Aidin? Um, yeah, six.

And the other day we found the crib bumper that I started for Eliot. He's been out of the crib for a year and a half.
christy said…
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christy said…
9 plus years but i finally threw them out since the interest in them was long gone.
Sarah and Jack said…
Umm, don't hate me, but I don't have any other than the quilt I am currently working on. (Which would be finished by the sewing machine is still awaiting a bobbin shuttle.)

If I don't finish a project for some reason, I toss it. But that is pretty rare.
nikko said…
Oh my, we won't go there. I have a size 6 month old baby boys shirt cut out for my K, who will be 5 next week.

I also have several pieced quilt squares from at least that long, and a maternity jumper cut out from when I was pregnant with P (now 18 months).

And... that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are too many to list!
Amanda Jean said…
my oldest WIP is my Zach who will be 7 in a week. ;)

my longest craft WIP is a quilt (twin size) that took about 4.5 years.
Wendy said…
I started a cute little thing that was kind of a long shirt that was almost a dress and had pants to match. I did this for my daughter when she was in preschool. She's now 8.

After about a year, I realized that I needed to find someone else to make it for.
Heidijayhawk said…
hmmmmmmm. if you count fabric that has been purchased for a specific reason, pinned and then never touched again? i would have to go with about a year and a half.
Unknown said…
I'm pretty good and finishing something once I started. My rule is that I cannot buy more fabric until the projet is completed. I just finished my Chicken Quilt top, so I went and bought a fat quarter set for my next quilt. There is so much fabric I want that it help me in finishing a project- that's weird huh!?!
I have one quilt that is waiting to be finished. Maybe about 2 weeks since I last did anything to it.
Me and Him said…
Fabric Christmas trees that I started for last Christmas.

No wait....a tree skirt that I started when we still rented a house. We moved out in 2000. So that's my oldest WIP. It's 7 years old. Mmmmm maybe I should finish it this year.

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