I {Heart} Fabric

Especially Japanese fabrics. And more specifically, Japanese fairy tale/storybook fabric. This is my collection thus far:

These were bought over a period of time. Probably spanning a few months. I splurged. I couldn't resist them any longer.

From the bottom: Snow White & Rose Red, The Three Bears, Golden Goose, Monkey in the Persimmon Tree, something with a wolf and a goat dressed in clothes (??), and Hansel & Gretel. I haven't cut them yet. I'm afraid to. What's new?

And a few more prints, including the Wizard of Oz, one of my all-time favorite movies. I really {heart} fabric.


Oh my, what a collection you have. I haven't got any Japanese fabrics but I do have Japanese books as you know. Maybe I should get some of those fabrics, they look so cute.
Karyn said…
Wow!!! They look awesome!!!

Start using them chickie!!!!
Anonymous said…
those are very cute! I can see why you {heart} it! How many yards do you buy at a time?
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, those three seperate ones there are the absolute cutest! The Wizard of Oz?! That's awesome! I love the ABC one too! My eighteen year old sister loved the Wizard of Oz when she was little- I would love to get my hands on some fabric like that to make her something- where did you get it?!
Anonymous said…
Sarah and Jack said…
LOL I never buy the Japanese stuff anymore because I cannot cut into it. Sigh.
dig this chick said…
Where do you find your Japanese fabrics? I too heart them.
Anonymous said…
Alisa said…
These fabrics are so beautiful - I can see why you are having a hard time cutting into them. Where do you buy them?
Me and Him said…
I' envious. I have resisted buying any, because I wouldn't know what to do with them.
nikko said…
Cute! I heart fabric, too. I buy it with no intended purpose, only because it's a good deal, or it strikes my fancy at the time. Drives my DH batty, but I think he's getting used to it. Now he kids about our year's supply of fabric.

That japanese stuff is cute. I'd be afraid to cut it, too!

Where do you buy your fabric?
Berber said…
That stash is looking so wonderful!!
Amanda Jean said…
wow. that is a great collection you have going there. I wouldn't be able to cut into them either.
Anonymous said…
Those are awesome! I've been wanting and wanting some fairy tale prints but haven't quite given myself permission yet.

Oh! I think the wolf and goat fabric refers to The Wolf and the 7 Kids. In which a nanny goat leaves her kids at home alone, warns them not to open the door b/c of the wolf, wolf dresses up in goat skin, fools the kids Red Riding Hood style, eats the kids, falls asleep, nanny goat comes home, sees what has happened, cuts open the wolfs stomach, extracts kids, replaces them with stones, he wakes up and is thirsty, falls into a well and drowns. They didn't hold back in the old stories!

You can find it here: http://www.fln.vcu.edu/grimm/wolf_e.html

That was a little gory, maybe. But the fabric is AWESOME!
Adrian said…
You have a nice collection of fabric. I really like the one with the blue bird on it. My MIL has TONS of fabric...she can't get enough of it.
Chara Michele said…
I heart fabric too! :)

I know what you mean about not being able to cut into it. I have fabrics like this, I just can't think of anything to make that is worthy of the fabric:)

(And oh my goodness, the word verification on my comment is fabric! Weird:)
Lera! I love all that fabric, but I especially love the one in the second picture with the birds and flowers. Can't wait to see what you make with them.
Heidijayhawk said…
gasp!! those are fabulous!

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