Look!! Did You See That?!?

Look!! Did you see that?!?
Sawyer is standing ...
See it now?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
But what's he doing here?

I can't quite tell ...
Can you see it better here?
Sawyer is starting to walk!

Sawyer has been taking a step here and there for a couple of weeks. Mostly one step between the sofa and the ottoman, and a lot of leaning. This past Wednesday he added a few more steps. About five or six steps to be exact. He's on the go, guys. Look out!!

(He was ten months on July 25th. All of my babies were early walkers. Taylor walked at 8 1/2 months. The latest any of my babies have walked is 10 1/2 months. I was starting to get worried about Sawyer. lol)


Karyn said…
Your little baby's growing up!!! How sweet!!!
nikko said…
Wow! You do have early walkers! Mine are more like 12-15 months. Way to go, Sawyer!
Anonymous said…
Ah, there will be no slowing him down now, Lera!
Sarah and Jack said…
8 1/2 months??? That sounds like a nightmare to me! LOL I needed some time to "prepare" for the walking. (Get things a bit more childproofed. If it had happened that soon I would have been in a bad place!)
What a cute picture of your little guy walking. I also love you familyl picture it is so sweet. DO you have all boys and one special little girl. Do people ever say are you done.? i mean done having kids I get that all the time I have five thats all I ever hear. Char
Anonymous said…
please tell him he's not allowed to walk yet! seriously, wasn't he just born or something?
Mom2fur said…
Hooray for Sawyer! I love the picture at the top of your blog. Your kids are darling!
laura capello said…

put that baby down. stop it! stop it! stop it!
Lora said…
oh how precious!!!!!!
Berber said…
Go Sawyer, you little big boy!
Amanda Jean said…
there is NOTHING cuter than a baby first starting to walk. sweet photos!
utmommy said…
They grow up too fast.

My youngest walked at 7 months. I SO was not ready for that, but she was determined!
Heidijayhawk said…
wasn't he a newborn like yesterday?! wow!! mama your baby is starting to grow up already!
Anonymous said…
How exciting! Now there definitely won't be any rest for you!
Joanna said…
Woo hoo, Sawyer! What a big boy! No more sitting around for you, Lera. Ha! As if you ever do.

Thanks so much for the package you sent me. You are too sweet. That was sooo not necessary, but I love the fabric. :)
Well done Sawyer! Now time to lock everything up within reach LOL.
beki said…
Yay Sawyer!
FinnyKnits said…
OMG. When did he? I mean, is he really? Is that possible? HE'S JUST A BABY STILL! Seriously. The time. So fast.

Although, bonus here is that he will have an online baby book from before he was born.

Baby of the Internet Age fo sho.
Me and Him said…
Way to go Sawyer. but don't grow up too quick. You're too adorable as the baby!

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