Summer's Remorse

Every summer I get it. Summer's Remorse. I think of all the wonderful things we're going to do together as a family during summer break, and then we don't do it. As soon as August hits, I start feeling like we didn't accomplish anything, summer's almost over, and school's about to start. And the serious guilt sets in.

Where did the summer go? Is it really August already?

The pool has lost its novelty. It's too hot and humid outside for much outdoor play. We have drought conditions, so we can't play in the sprinkler. Our garden did not grow (because of the drought). We have giant, nasty beetles everywhere outside (ones I've never seen before). The summer has been a flop. It makes me sad.

We haven't even gone to the library this summer. Taking the children to the library is a lost cause. The older ones run to the computer (like they don't have one at home); the younger ones take off in all directions. And they're not quiet. It's easier to stay home. At least they're contained.

I can't take them to the store. Our car is not big enough for all the children and all the groceries I need to buy (from the wholesale club). So we stay home a lot. Too much, if you ask me. If I attempt to suggest we leave, the kids revolt. Seriously. It's not worth the effort. And with Spenser recently potty-trained and her very frequent bathroom trips... pfft! Seriously too much trouble.

However, with all this Summer's Remorse going on, we did manage to go to the local county fair this week. I don't think my children would have been willing to go if it weren't for the fact that some of their cousins went. That's always a bonus for them. They will do anything as long as their cousins are there. Anything.

Sawyer loved the animals. LOVED. He was mesmerized by them.
Taylor loved the animals.
He fed them ... and he almost smiled.
Spenser was brave enough to touch them.
And Mason ... well, he and a goat had a staring contest. I think the goat won.


Karyn said…
They county fair looks like it was fun!! Super pictures Lera.

I can't believe it's August either!!! Where did the summer go???????
Anonymous said…
Lera, I can think of at least 5 really cool things you did with your kids this summer. Plus, remember as a kid, it wasn't the cool trips or anything that you remember from summer, it's the doing NOTHING. or everything. Playing, reading, hanging out. I'm sure if you asked your kids about their summer they'd have a different answer than you.

(btw, relate to the too-hot, can't go shopping or to the library bit! :)
Anonymous said…
What ARE you talking about woman? You've been camping, the boys have been to day camp and all those cool camps at school, blackberry picking, hiking, trampoline jumping, washing stuff on the deck, swimming in the pool, and on and on. Not to mention all of the things in the ban on boredom box. And I'm with Kirsten, sometimes the fun of summer is in the NOT doing things.

And I only have 2 and I don't take them to the grocery store or the library on my own unless I have to.

We're going to our county fair on Saturday night. Thanks for the preview - have a fun weekend.
laura capello said…
good intentions... hell... blah, blah, blah.

and as far as doing stuff, damn woman you have done Way More Suff With Your Kids this summer than I have.
nikko said…
I remember reading on your blog of plenty of super-fun things you did with your kids. Don't feel so bad. I do know what you mean, though. We haven't been to the library much, either. And our membership to the science museum has been virtually unused. My boys would be perfectly content to sit around in their pj's all day long, playing nintendo and reading comic books!
Anonymous said…
I know what you are saying. I get that feeling of "what happened>" as well. Good intentions and not all of them done. But we both did things with our kids, just not the "I'm a perfect Mom and did all these wonderful things" things. Ya know?

Thanks again for all your advice on the school shopping. I'm over my panic attack, I think. :)
Anonymous said…
Its the old phrase we all know "Time flies when you're having fun".
African Kelli said…
Oh my gosh Lera! I bet if you went back and spent 20 minutes looking at your blog and reading all the great things you did this summer, you'd feel better. You are an amazing mom.
Amanda Jean said…
I stay home a LOT because it is so much easier, too. And I (only) have 3 kids.

I get the summer's remorse. I don't like it one bit. My feelings are running along the same lines as yours are these days.
Lora said…
The fair looks like fun!!
All those animals!!! Hey.. wanna frog? LOL
(below is a reference to comment on my blog:)OMG you took a mouse?? Well at least you didn't bring him home! :)
Me and Him said…
Lera!!! You went camping, the boys went to cubscout day camp, trying coconuts, smores, sidewalk chalk, Sesame Place, Lemonade stand, go kart racing...and I'm sure there was more.

You had a pretty packed summer. Most of what I remember from childhood summers was riding our bikes, the trampoline in the backyard, the waterslide on the front lawn (black plastic, dish soap and really cold water from the slide), homemade popsicles, playing handstand games and elastics and reading with mum.

Other summers we did big trips etc, but my happiest, most nostalgic memories are at home doing "nothing"
Anonymous said…
I read your blog to get motivated and it works! I'm a sewer too with 4 kids and if you can get things sewn; it has motivated me to do the same.

About summer's remorse...I am the oldest of 6 and I have the most wonderful memories of carefree summer days. Swimming and playing with neighborhood kids and summer was a blast. I try to do the same with my children; I try to just let things happen; very little planning. Your children may not see things the way you do. And I remember quite a few things you did with your kids this summer.

I'm thankful for your blog because it gives me incentive.

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